Ra Ra Random

I've got another random post for you all today.  The last several days we've been very busy with work and catching up on stuff around the house.

One of my tasks this weekend was to make some pom poms for a friend who is having a baby shower on Wednesday.  The pom poms were very easy to make but the large size pom poms turned out a little skimpy. 

Here is a quick picture of the different colors I made.  You can find this tissue paper in almost any color at Party City and there are tons of tutorials out there that will demonstrate how to make these.

We also are happy to report that we finally hung our college degrees that we have been meaning to hang up for a while.  They look really great on the large wall in our living room.  I'm very glad that we opted to get the same type of frame for all 3 degrees despite earning them at different times.

Jordan's masters degree is in the middle and it looks very nice!  I particularly like the picture of Will Rogers and soap suds (the horse) in the picture.  The TTU bell tower is in the background of the picture so it's a sweet reminder of the place where Jordan proposed.  That campus is a special place to us both.
Wanted to give you all an update on our little bushes that are surviving in the back yard. I thought they would surely die but they look pretty good and even have a few blossoms.

I still have NO idea what type of bush this is. 
Lastly I wanted to show you guys a quick dress extender slip that I found online.  I was a little worried about how this slip extender would look but it worked perfectly with a work dress I wore today.  It helps to add a little length to a dress that seemed a little short.  I found this through SkinnyMeg's blog and took her recommendation.  Pretty nifty!

This is a horrible picture but I'm really not good at taking selfies. I'm wearing my dress extender in this picture but HERE I've provided a link to where I ordered it so you can get a better idea.  I came across Three Birds Nest by checking out SkinnyMeg's blog.  Both are pretty awesome. 
Hope you all are having a great week!


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