Mellow Music and the Pup

Got a short blog for you today.  I want to share a few songs I came across last weekend and, of course, gush about our pup, Abby.

Recently I've come across 2 songs that I've enjoyed listening to over and over again.  They are pretty mellow so I should give you forewarning.  In the future, I plan to do a post on some of my favorite running songs but I digress.

First up, "The Funeral" by Band of Horses.  This is such a great song and I came across it while listening to a Twilight Pandora radio station.  Yes, I'm aware that the book series is for tweens.  No, don't really care.  I LOVE the Twilight Saga!  It's my favorite book series ever.  I'm currently reading Breaking Dawn for the 3rd time.

Second, is "Walking Blind" (featuring Carina Round) by Aidan Hawken.  I first heard this song while watching "Major Crimes" on TV.  Again, it is a little sad song but, hey, it's what I've been in the mood for lately.

I hope you all enjoy these little nuggets of music!

Speaking of running...I've been trying my hardest to get back in the habit.  This past March I began the Couch to 5K program and I've really enjoyed it.  The problem is that I've had poor accountability and haven't done it as consistently as I should.  I'm technically on week 6.  It's tough because it's SO hot outside this time of year.  I've figured out some tricks to staying cool while running so that will have to be a future post. 

For now, I will leave you with the suggestions to get yourself a "BIC Band" if you're a runner or enjoy being outside all the time!  I LOVE these headbands!  They keep my hair out of my face while running and come in super cute colors and sizes.  It has never slipped out of my hair so that is a huge testament.  Here is a picture of me wearing my FAVORITE band.  I can't resist the sparkles!

You can find this BIC Band HERE.  Aqua is my favorite color.
I recently learned that each month BIC Bands donates a portion of sales to a different charity. You can read more and see past charities HERE; the August charity is the GOOD TIMES PROJECT.  The GTP has a mission to offer Western Washington and Alaska families affected by childhood cancer a cost-free week of summer camp!
Lastly, I want to leave you with a quick picture of Abby and her cousin, Penny. Penny is my cousin's pup so maybe that would make her Abby's second cousin? Either way, they are like long lost twins. Don't they look so similar?  Same body but slightly different faces.  CUTE!
Penny is on the left and Abby is on the right.
That's it for today.  Hope you all are having a wonderful week!


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