The Loot

Hi Friends!  Happy AUGUST!  Whew, it is very hot outside in Texas this time of year, but that didn't hold me back from having a great weekend. 

This past Saturday my BGF (best granny friend), Wendy, and I went garage sale beboppin'!  Wendy is such a fun friend and we both are into "granny-ish" crafts, up-cylcing, and learning new things.  We initially bonded because we both love to knit, crochet, and loom together, but she has taught me so many other great skills!  More on those projects in a future post.

Anyway, Wendy and I hit up several garage sales in our area on Saturday, and I'm proud to say we got so much great loot!  For those of you who don't go to garage sales, you're missing out.  We found some great items for almost nothing!

Here is the run down of what I got this weekend.  And this is just my list; Wendy has a long list of her own!

  • 4 decor coasters - $1 (pictured below)
  • 6 wishbone shaped napkin rings - $1 (one of them pictured below)
  • Pair of turquoise earrings - $1 (possibly can turn them into a pin to put on a lampshade in our home.)
  • Pink Floyd Poster - $1 (For my Dad.  I couldn't resist.  Pictured below)
  • Oval large avocado colored platter, made by Pottery Barn [not a single chip] - pause for affect...only $2!  (I can't wait to use it!  It's a great shape and is deep for those food items that have lots of juice.  Pictured below)
  • The Man Flipper - FREE!  We bought other things at this particular garage sale and they just wanted to get rid of stuff so the guy just gave it to me!  Jordan loves it already! (pictured below)
  • Wooden Decor Tree Branch - $10 (I wish I'd negotiated this one down but I'm looking forward to an interesting project or something in the future. More on that below.)
  • Stuffed animals for Abby - $0.50 (so far both are still intact with their stuffing inside them)
  • Gallon size zip lock bag full of wine corks (about 70% are synthetic corks and 30% are real corks, but they are all different shapes, colors, and brands.) - whole bag for $1
  • Tall pepper grinder - $8 - I've since polished it up and it looks beautiful now (see picture below)!
Here is a picture of just a few of those items mentioned.
This is just a taste of everything I got, but I was so happy with my finds!

One garage sale was so fun that they invited us into their home to see if we would be interested in some of their indoor furniture!  Disclaimer: Be very careful going into strangers houses!  This is why it's good to have a friend with you!  Here is a picture of me in the Texas chair in the home of the garage sale.  Wow, so much fun.

Incidentally, the chair was actually pretty itchy.
So as I mentioned, I found this tree branch from an estate sale and I'm trying to think of creative things I could use it for.  Below is a picture of the full branch getting the "approval sniff" from Abby.
The branch is actually wet in this picture because I wanted to hose it down in case there was dust and stuff on it.  The sun worked perfectly to dry it out again.
I'm thinking it would be interesting to paint white and hang it on the wall to compliment a picture of some sort.  Or maybe I should paint it metallic?  I hate to paint over the natural wood, but we'll see what comes of this little nugget of art.  It might be a good center piece, place to hang Christmas ornaments, or just a good conversation piece.
Hope you all had a great weekend as well!  Enjoy the week!  


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