Shutter and Shine

Wow, I've got a bit of a picture show for you all today.  Jordan and I had a busy weekend and seem to have the Sunday evening blues as our day comes to a close.

Friday we enjoyed an impromptu game night with some neighbor friends.  These friends are a hoot and so much fun to hang out with.  Has anyone ever played the "Battle of the Sexes"?  I'd say it's quite a fun game if you've got the right crowd.  Looking forward to our next game night with our friends.

Saturday we made the trip to my parent's lake house.  We had such a fun weekend.  The weather was oddly cool for a Texas July (high of 91) so we had a good visit hanging out in the pavillion.  There seemed to be an "animal" theme this weekend.

While at the lake, we spotted a birds nest in the smallest possible tree blowing precariously with every breeze.  Why would a birdie build her nest there?  Anyhoo, there are 3 little baby birds in her nest that are just days away from flying I think.  They were SO cute!  If they felt the tree move, their little necks would stretch way up in hopes of getting a little food.

Later in the day one of the neighbors kittens wandered up to us.  We had good time teasing Abby and Sophie (my mom's dog) with the kitten.  They wanted to play with the kitty so much they were both practically crying.  Sophie and Abby followed the kitten around all afternoon.

The project this weekend was to to help my parents make shutters for the newly built pavilion at the lake.  Dad designed them to be accordian doors so we could easily slide them open or closed.  They have to be really strong to withstand the winds and potental storms off the lake.  Thus the steel (14 gauge) in the photos below.

Here is a picture of Dad doing some last welding on the project.  He was moments from finishing and had to grab some more welding rod from Lowes.

Jordan, my Mom, and I got started painting the frames of the shutters black.  In future posts, I'll show you want the finished product looks like.

Here is a picture of the windows where the shutters will live once they are complete.  Don't they look great? 

As we were painting, I was telling Mom that Jordan and I were thinking about getting a firepit for the Fall.  Unfortunately, we can't have very big fires in our area, but we wanted something small to toast marshmallows in the evenings.  Suddenly my Mom pulls out an old firepit that she was thinking of getting rid of, and says that Jordan and I can have it!!  Problem solved!  Since we were already painting the shutters, we decided to give the firepit a fresh coat of black paint too.  It looks good as new!

Here is a picture of the base of the firepit.  It was all rusty and aged and now it looks fantastic.  Can't wait to "fire" it up this Fall.

Here is the before shot.

Well, that's all I've got for you tonight friends.  I'll be off to do a little reading before bed.  The picture below is probably what Abby has in mind instead.  The last several times I've picked up a book, Abby suddenly needs my undivided attention.  I'm not quite sure where she learned that from...


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