Baseball, Bistro, and UFOs

It's been a crazy week and I've been meaning to update ya'll on the happenings of life!  Wednesday of this week Jordan and I went to a Rough Rider's game with our good friends, Nathan and Mallory.  They are awesome friends and it's a BLAST to hang out with them!  We all had such a fun time at the game and, of course, we won!

Here is an impromptu picture of the 4 of us.  Crazy kids.

We had pretty great seats!  Then again, there aren't many bad seats in that stadium!  This picture is with no zoom folks!

Nathan, Mallory, Me, and Jordan

As in previous post, I told you all about our new (new to us at least) fire pit.  I thought I would share this picture since we finally had a chance to use it. We figured out why it was free.  It left UFO traces in our backyard!  It must have heated up a little too hot and scorched the grass.  Never the less, we really love it and are happy to have it!  For any of you who might be on the fence about getting a fire pit, I strongly suggest it!

Thursday we had a light chore to do, but we were excited to do my parents a small favor.  (Jordan protests the use of the word "light" chore.  It was actually pretty heavy.)  This is an iron bistro bar that we picked up for my Mom.  She is brilliant when it comes to Craigslist purchases.  (Does anyone else think of Harry Potter when they use the word "brilliant"? Accio Bistro Bar!)  Again, back on track - She never fails to find the best deals and fixes up each item so that it looks brand new!  I'll give you guys an update when she gets it fixed up and finds it a home.  The plan is to paint it black.  

That's all I've got for you guys today!  Have a good one!


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