Cha Cha Run

This week I am proud to say I actually got in a few runs. It feels very good to accomplish even 1 run during the week these days.  I did week 6 day 1 and day 2 of the Couch to 5K program.  

I haven't run in a few weeks so it felt good to get back into my rhythm.  I've never experienced "runner's high" but I feel I've come close while listening to a few of my favorite songs.  My current favorite is "I Know What You Did In the Dark" (Light 'em Up) by Fall Out Boy.  

A few weeks (okay months) ago, this song came on while I was running.  I'd started my run a little later than usual so the sun was lower in the sky and a storm was on the way.  I thought surely I could fit my run in before the storm hit.  I was wrong.  The storm was blowing in just as I reached my half way mark.  The light sprinkles felt great on my face and as I hit my stride this song pushed me harder and faster.  There are some great lyrics in this song and just as the song got to the chorus, "light it up, light it up," I could see the sky literally light up from the lighting about a mile away.  The sky had so many amazing colors and the clouds were beautiful!  It was such a great moment and such a great motivator.  

If you're new to running, I would recommend that you find a good iPod and get yourself some motivating songs.  Soon I will do a post about songs you'd find on my iPod.

This is me just before my exhausting run.  Love my new shorts! 

Later in the week I found a fun Pinterest idea and decided to implement it in our house.  I love jars and unique things and incidentally I had all the tools to make this special salt shaker.

This picture shows you the basic instructions of how to use an ordinary jar to make this in your house. Be careful not to cut yourself!

This is my final product.  So far, I love it!  Jordan has asked that I make something similar for our sugar shaker.  Our sugar shaker is annoying to refill and this would be an easier (and prettier) solution.  Now I need more jars!

Lastly, I have to share this special recipe with ya'll.  Jordan says he needs me to write it down just in case anything ever happens to me.  (Good to know I'd be missed!)  Anyway, we call this special sauce "Cha Cha Sauce."  I actually don't know how it got this name in our household, but we both love it a lot!  Some people call it "spicy mayo" and you might see this served in a sushi restaurant.  We use it on so many different things (pork chops, rice, steak, and various other foods).

These two items are the only ingredients you'll need.  You don't need name brand mayonnaise but you cannot use Miracle Whip.  You do need the name brand Sriracha Hot sauce.  Both can be found at almost any grocery store.

Use about 1 cup of mayo for every 2 table spoons of Sriracha sauce.  Really you can adjust it to taste.  I don't actually measure anything any more because I judge by how orange the sauce is.

Very yummy.  Enjoy!


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