
Three years ago this week Jordan and I adopted our little goose, Abigail.  "Goose" is her latest nickname because she has a seriously long skinny white neck!  Okay, back on track - We had been married for several months and had moved into our new home at the time.  A puppy was not high on our priority list but we both couldn't wait to love a little dog as our own.

We began looking for a Lhasa Apso puppy because we both really loved the breed.  At the time, Jordan was hoping for a slightly larger dog and I was hoping for a smaller dog.  Abby grew up to be a large Lhasa so she is perfect for our little family!

When we set out to find our Abby, we actually looked in the newspaper a lot.  Abby and her siblings were up for sale at a local garage sale.  We found her in a pop up crib with several other pups that were very dirty and not well taken care of.  We had no idea what kind of traits made for a "good" dog so we looked for a pup that we connected with.  Abby had amazing eye contact and we immediately loved her!

This is the very first picture we ever took of Abby.  The poor pup was incredibly dirty from the place she was living and her hair was really long and in her face.

The main priority was to give Abby her very first bath.  It was a shocker for her but it was urgently needed (she was smelly).  We trimmed the extra hair around her face so she could finally see! This is the "after bath" picture.

That first weekend we decided to name our pup Abigail Olivia Long.  She is our little AOL.  Of course, we call her "Abby" most of the time.

It was an exhausting first weekend for her so she slept in my arms the whole way home after visiting my parents house.

This was one of Abby's first photos sleeping "belly up".  At the time we thought it was a puppy quirk that she would grow out of, but she still sleeps like this today!

So here's to our little "goose"!  Adopted August 14, 2010.  

Below is a little clip where Jordan and I played a small prank on Abby for her birthday!


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