Phone Dump Weekend

This weekend flew by!  If the weekend were a person, I imagine him pointing and laughing as he sped by us!  Today is a bit of a phone dump of pictures so we're going to move fast.

First up, we started our weekend with a Saturday morning event for Jordan's work.  He got recognized so many times that I don't remember how many times we ran across the stage.  I'm so proud of him and all that he has accomplished! 

This is a photo of us onstage!  Can't wait for next quarter's event!

After that we decide to take a quick trip to the lake.  We wanted to drop off Mom's new bistro bar so that we could get it out of the garage.  Also, I knew how much she was looking forward to getting it cleaned up at the lake!

This is the new home for the bistro bar and chairs!  We decided that they are definitely "wide ass" chairs.  Seriously, these chairs could hold their own.

This is a picture of several of us gathered around the new bar set!  (Aunt Cindy, Me, Jordan, and Mom)

Quick picture of me in my favorite hat.  This is my Gone with the Wind hat.  I love it!

Mom and Aunt Cindy made this cabbage salad (an all time favorite) on Saturday.  It is so easy to make and incredibly yummy!  I can't find the recipe available, but basically it's 2 big heads of Japanese cabbage, red onion, 1 lb of bacon, about 2/3 cup vinegar, plus salt and pepper to taste! 

Dad and Jordan fired up the smoker.  Doesn't it look beautiful all cleaned up?! 

I'm throwing in this shot because it's so typical of our life at the lake.  I LOVE being at the lake and the pavilion is so beautiful!  I feel like myself when I'm there.

Jordan and Dad started a little project.  While we were visiting, we realized that we needed to make a fire poker for our new fire pit.  Jordan and Dad got to work welding a creation.

Doing some wire brushing to the metal. Gotta love Iron Man helmets!

Midway through with the creation!  This is the poker before paint and a handle.

Now we have some black paint added in this picture!

And this is the finished product!  Dad made a little handle for it out of twine, but we might eventually replace the handle with leather.  It looks so great!  Dad and Jordan did a wonderful job.  Now we can return our borrowed fire poker to our friends!

I also wanted to update ya'll on the shutters!  They are not yet complete but they are installed!  They work like accordion doors and glide really nicely!  I'll provide another picture once the backing is up.

This is the next project on the list!  I gave Mom a window pane that I found at McKinney trade days.  Loved this pane, but it was a pain in my butt and I never got around to the project.  She is going to have a scene painted and hang it up on the wall like this!  Going to look great.  I'll keep you posted on that project as well.

Lastly, I had to throw in this picture so you could see the results of my pom pom project last week!  These were hung from the ceiling over the table and turned out great!
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!


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