Weather or not to Paint

I'm not much for spray painting.  I'm more of a brush kind of gal.  But sometimes it's necessary to use spray paint for intricate projects.  Plus, it's faster.  We recently decided to spray paint a few items in our house and I'm really happy with how they turned out!  

Top Left: This is just a wooden box that we had on our bookshelf.  It's already blue, I wanted more of a turquoise blue.
Top Right: This is a handy bed tray that we've had for a while.  It can be used for meals, making notes, or reading a book since the angle can be easily adjusted.  I actually use this at least once a week!
Bottom: This is a wire egg basket. You can still buy them these days at Walmart or on Amazon but I got this particular one from my mom.  Thanks mom!

The spray painting begins!
We used a Rust-oleum spray paint in "Deep Turquoise" (right) found at Home Depot.  While I love the color, I don't think I'll ever buy this spray nozzle design again.  Jordan was sweet to do the actual spraying and it made a terrible mess leaking all over his hands!  
Unfortunately, I don't have any "finished" pictures to share yet because I want to allow each piece plenty of time to cure.  

In other news, we recently had new gutters put on our house.  We had two terrible hail storms in our area this year.  The first hit us in late March and the second one in April.  The second storm was the one that hammered our house and even broke a window.  You can read about it HERE.  We were actually extremely lucky compared to people just 1-2 miles down the road.  Anyhoo, we've been working with our contractor and insurance company since that April storm and the repairs are almost done.  I thought the process of putting on gutters was really interesting.
Top Left:  These are gigantic scissors that they used to cut the metal gutters.  It was scary how powerful they were!  They make pretty strong metal seem like paper!
Top Middle:  This is the down spout hole before they attached the actual down spout.  
Top Right: These are various pieces of the old gutters.  We opted for the same color and design in the new gutters.
Bottom Left and Right: It's crazy how cool this process was!  They cut 1 length of gutter to span the entire length of our house and then it was a well choreographed process to watch just 2 men attach it to the eves.  I was very impressed with the technique!
We finally got around to some other projects that have been on the list for a long while.  Jordan hug up our new weather vane wind measure thingy.  I'm sure there is a technical name for this instrument but basically it's a digital weather station.  I remember feeling anxious to get it installed on the roof back in April but in light of the hail storm, I'm glad we procrastinated!  
Top Left: Jordan was on the roof making all kinds of noise and Abby was at the end of her fraying rope... At this point, she had had her limit of loud noises and people on the roof.  She chose to stay under the table until it was over.
Bottom Left: Jordan did an excellent job installing the wind instrument!  He even painted it to match our chimney!  It's probably not the BEST place to put this thing (slightly obstructed by the chimney) but it was easier than putting up a pole or nailing into our new fence.
Bottom Right: This is the digital display.  It works very well even though we just happened to snap this picture on a windless day (measured at 0 mph). 
Top Right: I've been long over due to plant these mums!  I finally found the time and got them all in pots!  Now, I just have to keep them alive!  I've had good luck with mums; it's orchids that I have a knack for killing by mistake!

That's it for today! 


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