Warm Soup and Chalk Paint (not together)

Where is the cool weather that is supposed to come with the Fall season? Hellllo?!?! Lately we've had weather in the high 80s and even busting into the 90s! It's October, right? I got myself (and our grocery list) all geared up for Fall foods and this warm weather is messing it up. 

Well, warm weather or not Jordan and I decided to make tortilla soup last week! I've never made this dish but it seemed easy enough. 

The recipe called for a LOT of vegetables and it was a broth based soup, nothing creamy.  All of that is code for "this one is pretty healthy."  It took a lot of work but was worth it because we made enough soup to last us through several meals during the week.

I snapped several veggie pics and our kitchen smelled spicy!  At first I was getting overwhelmed with following the recipe but after a half hour the recipe became more of a "guideline".

A few weekends ago we were gifted a dresser from some friends at the lake.  I have NO idea where I'm going to put this dresser but I've got big plans for painting it!  This top picture is a snap shot of my latest craft interest, Annie Sloan chalk paint!  A friend at work told me about this paint and I was pretty skeptical but after checking it out, I'm totally impressed!  This paint requires NO (I repeat, NO) prep-work to the furniture.  Yes, the paint is more expensive, but it means that I don't have to sand down every nook cranny and inch of the dresser!  Yes please!  Stay tuned...some day (when I work it into our schedule) I will start this little project and share pictures with you!
Bottom Left: I found the chalk paint at this adorable antique mall.  Never in my life have I enjoyed an antique mall.  They are usually dusty, smelly, and boring.  This little place is none of those things!  We took a quick walk through and I had a lot of trouble focusing!  We've GOT to go back to this place sometime soon!
Bottom Right: Random obligatory Abby picture!  She looks adorably miserable in this picture.  Not to mention she is conveniently belly up for easy belly rub access.

Speaking of our little lady, she's not been eating well lately.  This is a weird phase where she doesn't seem to like her food but she is going to have to figure this out.  She can be stubborn not to eat and I can be equally stubborn not to change her food!

Stubbornness aside, I was playing around with her and Jordan snapped this picture of me baiting her...lol!
Bottom Left: Whatever I did, it worked.  She finally decided to eat.
Bottom Right: Being stubborn is exhausting...

Thankfully, rain is in the forecast soon!  Ya'll have a great night!


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