Football and the Moon

Jordan and I had a fantastic visit with Scott and Elizabeth last weekend.  We had a busy schedule planned but  everything turned out great!  Fantastic food and great visits!

We started Saturday morning with a couple of rival pictures since Texas Tech was playing TCU that day.  College football is just about the only sport I watch but I think we have a pretty good team this year!
Top Left: Jordan and I with our guns up!  Wreck 'em!
Top Right: Scott and Elizabeth!  Though Elizabeth is a horned frog, we still love her.
Bottom Left: Abby didn't seem to tolerate the horned frogs in her back yard however.  I just happened to snap this picture when Jordan was picking up Abby and it looks like she is sabotaging Elizabeth's TCU spirit!  All in good fun though.
Bottom Right: It was a great game but I'm sad to say my Red Raiders lost by just 3 points.  We put up a great fight and I'm proud of my Raiders!  The final score was 55-52.  The fourth quarter was definitely an exciting one!  I highly suggest googling the highlights.  Abby spent almost the whole game huddled under a pillow hiding from all the yelling (at the TV).

Saturday we also went to Nebraska Furniture Mart.  Jordan and I have already been there, but it was great to go with S&E since they just bought a new house and have lots to think about in the decorating department.  I remember feeling totally overwhelmed when we first moved into our house so I can't imagine wrestling with a NFM during that process!  Brave souls!
Jordan and I are NOT in the market for a new couch and YET, we managed to find some awesome sectionals!  I'm in love with this concept of a "cuddler".  Basically, it's a cross between a regular couch and a chase lounge.  Top and Bottom Left pictured.
When I walk around NFM I feel like my head is calculating a thousand different things to do in our house!  I had a slight headache by the time we left!
This grey sectional was also something that I really loved!  (Bottom Right) Like I said...the wheels keep turning!

I'm trying to show purchase restraint!  There are so many other financial priorities before we worry about a new couch.  Eyeyeyeye!

And last, but not least, we spent Sunday night lounging in the backyard watching the lunar eclipse together.  It was spectacular to see!  
Top: We bought these rocking chairs at Sam's a few weeks back and I LOVE them!  They made the moon watching much more fun!  They are folding rocking chairs!  
Bottom Left: This is the best picture I managed to capture on my iPhone.  I just didn't feel like the effort to get a picture on my nice camera.   Even with a tripod, I'm not sure how to photograph a white light in a black sky.
Bottom Right: This picture is courtesy of the Internet, but is the closest to the actual scene we had on our back porch.  No matter the picture, nothing can replace the spectacular sight in person.  The moon looked so cool!

Happy October!


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