Partei, Singen, and Essen

Am vergangenen Wochenende genossen wir eine tolle Party!  Wait...better use English...  Last weekend we enjoyed an awesome party!  Mom and Dad hosted an Oktoberfest at the lake and we had such fun visiting, eating, and singing karaoke!

The great thing about this particular party is that everyone really gets into the mood and dresses the part!  Every detail has a little German flare!  We enjoy bratwursts, sauerkraut, German potatoes, etc., etc.  Plus, there is plenty of "oompa" music!

The outfits are awesome!  Everyone looked truly great!
R to L - Elizabeth, Scott, Jordan, and I

Frau Mom and Frau Cindy looked gorgeous!
Left: These two have the cutest boots!  Can you tell they are sisters?
Bottom Right: Cindy played her custom made alphorn! 
Bottom Left: Elizabeth and Scott looking festive! 

Top: This is a better picture of Cindy's alphorn.  I'm pretty sure our neighbor, Tanya, painted the beautiful blue flowers on this horn.  It's difficult to get the whole thing in the picture so please pardon the angle.
Bottom Left: Jordan and I.  Jordan was such a good sport to dress up with me (he's used to it by now)!  I got a good kick out of his reaction to wearing stockings instead of socks.  He asked, "why are they so thin? My shoes don't fit right!"
Bottom Right: Scott and Elizabeth looking festive!

We had some TCU friends show up to the party as vikings!  As you all know, Jordan and I are Red Raiders to the core, but we do have several TCU friends.  Saturday, TCU dominated the Texas Longhorns (50 to 7 points) so everyone was excited about their win.  TTU and TCU may have our differences but I'm thrilled that Texas got beat good!  There are WAY too many t-shirt fans of Texas.
Top: TCU friends!
Bottom Left: Elizabeth and I having fun as everyone started to show up.
Bottom Right: I found these clogs at an estate sale a little while ago and finally got a chance to wear them!  They are not the most comfortable shoes in the world but they made for a good novelty!

You didn't think I'd leave out pictures of food, did you?
Top Left: Uncle Robert and John grilling up a "few" onions.
Top Right: wursts cookin'!
Bottom Left: Uncle Tony grilling up all the brats and hot dogs!
Bottom Right: I mean....this was amazing food!  I think there was a vegetable somewhere under all those carbs.

And then came the karaoke!
It took some encouragement but we got the guys to sing a couple of karaoke songs!  We enjoyed classics like "Friends in Low Places" "Devil Went Down to Georgia" and a couple Elvis songs (to name a few)

Not to be out-staged, the ladies sang a few numbers too!
Everyone loves a good girl power song!  We sang plenty of Shania Twain, "Boots are Made for Walkin'",  "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun", etc.

Gluckliche Oktober (Happy October!) 


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