Dirt Road Prayer

We've been tidying up our yard lately which has, ironically, been a dirty job.  We've been noticing a few low spots in our yard in the last year or so.  Some places are very sunken, especially along the side walk in front of our house.  To remedy this, Jordan got another truck load of dirt to fill in some of these spots.  And while we were at it, we decided to try to plant a little grass seed to fill in some bare spots.  For a whim of a thought, this project sure turned into a long and hot afternoon!  

Top: This is a small section of our front yard where we Jordan did the most work.  
Bottom Left: We planted some Bermuda grass seed so Jordan has been watering the area to help it grow!  As I'm writing this, I'm a bit worried that the seed might not come up!  We shall see!
Bottom Right: This was one of the lowest spots in our yard and it's right by the curb!  When we park there, it feels like you're falling out of the car!  Hopefully this will help avoid a tripping hazard or a rolled ankle!

We've also been talking about buying some flag stone recently.  We have a patch in our back yard that gets very muddy when it rains.  There is so much traffic in that area that it's hard for the grass to grow!  We've had some bricks in this spot for a little while, but I felt like they were pretty ugly.  Plus, the bricks were a pain for Jordan to mow around.  We're hoping the flag stone is an easier (and more attractive) solution.
Left: It took me for-ev-er to decide how best to put the stones!  We have a tiny backyard so I didn't want them to extend too far into the yard.  I was going for a slightly curved design since that's the functionality that we'll most likely need.
Right: We had to do some light dirt work with the stones to make sure they laid flat.  I think the dirt will also help make the flag stone flush with the grass.

I'm amazed with how much we got done on this particular day!  I was glad to have the hard work behind us so I snagged a few finishing pics!
Top Left: Abby enjoying the backyard (which is probably what makes her itchy)!
Top Right: Beautiful Texas sunset!  
Bottom Left: It's MUM season!  I bought these little beauties to plant for the Fall.  That'll have to be a project for the next weekend.
Bottom Right: The same day we did the dirt, grass seed, and stone work, Jordan also trimmed up the bushes in our backyard.  Unfortunately, I didn't think to snap a picture during the bush trimming process but I got this shot at the end of the day.  The bushes looks WAY better cleaned up!  With our new fence, we really wanted to keep the branches off the structure.

After all that labor, I think Jordan was glad when the regular work week started.  Even so, we've got another busy week ahead of us!  Today, we took a dreaded trip to the vet.  Abby was due for shots and a check up.  We are very fortunate in our jobs because both Jordan and I managed to work out our schedules to take her.  #SpoiledPup
She looks calm in these pictures but she was shaking like a leaf!

That's all for today!  Hope everyone has a wonderful week!


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