S&E Couples Shower!
It's officially Fall! Our schedule always sneaks up on me this time of year when Fall activities begin to fill up our calendar. I want to share one exciting event from two weekends ago. We went to the lake to take part in a couples shower for Scott and Elizabeth! Everything turned out great and we had a fantastic visit with S&E, Mom and Dad, E's parents, and other friends and family. Leading up to the shower I was freakin' excited to give them our gift (we'll get to that in a moment)!
Top Left: Mom decorated this bird cage which looked great!
Top Right: Cindy, Scott, and Mom
Bottom Left: Jordan and I
Bottom Right: Champagne on ice!
Then it was present time!

Top Left: Jordan and I had custom t-shirts made for them! I think E mentioned this idea several months back and I couldn't resist! We got Scott a scarlet red shirt (for TTU) with "Mr." on the front and Elizabeth a purple shirt (for TCU) with "Mrs." on the front! Both shirts have their (almost) last name and the number 16 for the year of their wedding! TTU plays TCU on 10/29 so brace yourself!
Bottom Left and Right: We also bought each of them a Wasing Air Lounger which was super cool! Scott aired his up right away and got comfortable! You can find them on Amazon HERE!

We had fun playing a few games to celebrate S&E! They've been trying to narrow down the wine selection so we did a double blind taste test! They covered the labels of each bottle and E had an adorable score card for everyone to rank the wines! If I'm remembering correctly, I think Rex-Goliath won!
Bottom Left: Tony played the role of game show host extremely well and gave us all a good laugh as we played the newly wed game!
We had some fun with the dogs the following morning. Sophie (Mom's dog) is usually the aggressive pup but for some reason Abby was extremely feisty around Sadie! Sadie was a sweet Golden Doodle and reminded me so much of Abby, just larger!
I couldn't resist buying a pumpkin! I know, it's pretty early, but cool weather has arrived and 'tis the season!
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