A Little Dirt Wont Kill You
Jordan and I just got back from a lovely weekend at the lake! We really don't go every weekend, we just happen to be there a lot recently. This weekend was special because we brought our friends, Mallory and Nathan!
We met Mallory and Nathan in October of 2010 (I think). I'm doubting myself on that date because it doesn't seem possible that 3 years have already flown by. Our neighborhood has a lot of kids/tweens and one day our doorbell randomly rang. It was one of those ring and run pranks from some kids in the area. No big deal, but when we opened the door we found this huge stone on our front porch. Jordan has a knack for remembering totally random details and he remembered this decorative stone belonged to some house down the street. It turns out that Mallory and Nathan were the owners of this pretty stone so Nathan and Jordan carried it back to their house. (I still don't know how kids could have carried the heavy stone to our house. Couldn't they think of a prank that involved less work? Sheesh!)
The rest of the story is history! It turns out that we all get along great and share similar interests. It's great to have friends you can lean on and they are good people!
Back to the lake topic...
We brought the dogs with us, of course, and they ended up being a hilarious source of entertainment.
I have to share this movie clip of Sophie enjoying the sand!
We met Mallory and Nathan in October of 2010 (I think). I'm doubting myself on that date because it doesn't seem possible that 3 years have already flown by. Our neighborhood has a lot of kids/tweens and one day our doorbell randomly rang. It was one of those ring and run pranks from some kids in the area. No big deal, but when we opened the door we found this huge stone on our front porch. Jordan has a knack for remembering totally random details and he remembered this decorative stone belonged to some house down the street. It turns out that Mallory and Nathan were the owners of this pretty stone so Nathan and Jordan carried it back to their house. (I still don't know how kids could have carried the heavy stone to our house. Couldn't they think of a prank that involved less work? Sheesh!)
The rest of the story is history! It turns out that we all get along great and share similar interests. It's great to have friends you can lean on and they are good people!
Back to the lake topic...
We brought the dogs with us, of course, and they ended up being a hilarious source of entertainment.

Top Left: Sophie chewing on a stick the most difficult way possible.
Top Right: Mallory and Tinsel on a jitney ride! (The "jitney" is Mom's name for the Mule) (A "Mule" is the brand name of a gas powered terrain vehicle. Basically a fancy golf cart)
Bottom Left: Tinsel looking quite happy on the jitney ride!
Bottom Right: Jordan and Abby on the golf cart. (The dogs cannot stand it to see the golf cart or jitney drive away without catching a ride.)
Later that day, Sophie entertained us by demonstrating how much she loves to get dirty. That dog goes crazy in water, mud, and dirt. She LOVES it!
Top Left: Sophie with a mud mug.
Top Right: Sophie with a mouth and face full of dirt.
Bottom Left: Sophie rolling in sand. It's as if she's trying to mask her scent and she thinks dirt is the only way to accomplish that.
Bottom Right: Abby and Sophie. City dog and country dog. That Sophie was middle named more than a few times. Sophia Maria Conzuelas Gonzales Rodriguez!!!!
That's not all! Sophie continued to keep us laughing.

Top Left: Sophie waiting for dad to throw a stick in the lake.
Top Right: Sophie trying to blend in with the surrounding sand. Her version of camo.
Bottom Left: Abby and Sophie trotting on the beach. Sophie has her trophy stick in her mouth.
Bottom Right: Continued application of the sand camoflouge.
I have to share this movie clip of Sophie enjoying the sand!
Mallory and I really enjoyed riding in the back of the jitney. Our pups enjoyed the view as well, but the lake is brutally low right now. Pray for rain this winter to fill the lake back up!
Totally focused on those waves.
Sunday, we managed to do a little shooting. Here are a few pictures of the boys having fun shooting clay pigeons.

Top Left: Jordan
Top Right: Nathan
Bottom: Some of the arsenal
The boys didn't leave us girls out though! We got to do some shooting too. Luckily, we had ear protection to wear.

Top Left: Me with the shot gun. Hats off to Jordan for this picture. I think he caught the exact moment the gun kicked back. Or, I'm just that awkward looking.
Top Right: Mallory gettin' in some target practice like a boss!
Bottom Left: Shotgun shells.
Bottom Right: Hand gun practice.
Had some four-wheeler time too!

Top Left: Nathan and AJ. We got this action shot while bouncing in the back of the jitney.
Top Right: Nathan kicking up dust.
Bottom Left: AJ equally kicking up dust.
Bottom Right: Me and Mallory enjoying the jitney ride and laughing at the boys.
We enjoyed a few adult beverages too! I've included a sneak peak of the upcoming Oktoberfest! Last year Mom and Dad threw their own version of Oktoberfest and it was a blast! Next month, they will host the 2nd annual! Don't worry, I'll share lots of details to document the fun.

Left: Enjoyed an unusually tall bottle of wine with Mal. Mom wanted the pretty blue bottle so we took one for the team and got to work.
Top: Sneak peak of the kuzie from Oktoberfest. The orange kuzie is last year's creation.
Bottom: New kuzies already being thoroughly tested for endurance.
If you're a creative person and have some ideas for kuzie slogans, leave a comment below! This is an annual event so we will need plenty of good Oktober slogans for the future!
And then there is always a little dash of random at the lake.

Top: Playing spoons! We got a little violent but it was so much fun!
Bottom: Mom bought these amazing scooners and this one was right out of the freezer. Had an icey cold beverage and it was perfect! I like mixing a beer with one of those new Lime-a-rita things. Good ratio so it's not too sweet.
Right: AJ apparently has a "swamp thing" costume. Or maybe it was for hunting? Not quite sure what the purpose of this outfit is, but it was pretty funny to watch him scare the poor curious pups. And there is a little photo bomb from Jordan in the back.
So now we've returned to our double life back at home. We got back on Sunday and will spend a little time with Jordan's mom this week! We are excited to see her! As we were turning in for the evening, I realized my toe hurt pretty bad. No lake trip is complete without a few battle wounds, so I suppose I got off lucky. Here is a picture of my bruised toe. I stubbed it harder than I thought. Ouch!

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