
Showing posts from August, 2013

Cha Cha Run

This week I am proud to say I actually got in a few runs. It feels very good to accomplish even 1 run during the week these days.  I did week 6 day 1 and day 2 of the Couch to 5K program .   I haven't run in a few weeks so it felt good to get back into my rhythm.  I've never experienced " runner's high " but I feel I've come close while listening to a few of my favorite songs.  My current favorite is "I Know What You Did In the Dark" (Light 'em Up) by Fall Out Boy.   A few weeks (okay months) ago, this song came on while I was running.  I'd started my run a little later than usual so the sun was lower in the sky and a storm was on the way.  I thought surely I could fit my run in before the storm hit.  I was wrong.  The storm was blowing in just as I reached my half way mark.  The light sprinkles felt great on my face and as I hit my stride this song pushed me harder and faster.  There are some great lyrics in this s...

Phone Dump Weekend

This weekend flew by!  If the weekend were a person, I imagine him pointing and laughing as he sped by us!  Today is a bit of a phone dump of pictures so we're going to move fast. First up, we started our weekend with a Saturday morning event for Jordan's work.  He got recognized so many times that I don't remember how many times we ran across the stage.  I'm so proud of him and all that he has accomplished!  This is a photo of us onstage!  Can't wait for next quarter's event!   After that we decide to take a quick trip to the lake.  We wanted to drop off Mom's new bistro bar so that we could get it out of the garage.  Also, I knew how much she was looking forward to getting it cleaned up at the lake! This is the new home for the bistro bar and chairs!  We decided that they are definitely "wide ass" chairs.  Seriously, these chairs could hold their own. This is a picture of several of us gathered around the new ...

Baseball, Bistro, and UFOs

It's been a crazy week and I've been meaning to update ya'll on the happenings of life!  Wednesday of this week Jordan and I went to a Rough Rider's game with our good friends, Nathan and Mallory.  They are awesome friends and it's a BLAST to hang out with them!  We all had such a fun time at the game and, of course, we won! Here is an impromptu picture of the 4 of us.  Crazy kids. We had pretty great seats!  Then again, there aren't many bad seats in that stadium!  This picture is with no zoom folks! Nathan, Mallory, Me, and Jordan As in previous post, I told you all about our new (new to us at least) fire pit.  I thought I would share this picture since we finally had a chance to use it. We figured out why it was free.  It left UFO traces in our backyard!  It must have heated up a little too hot and scorched the grass.  Never the less, we really love it and are happy to have it!  For any of you who might ...


Three years ago this week Jordan and I adopted our little goose, Abigail.  "Goose" is her latest nickname because she has a seriously long skinny white neck!  Okay, back on track - We had been married for several months and had moved into our new home at the time.  A puppy was not high on our priority list but we both couldn't wait to love a little dog as our own. We began looking for a Lhasa Apso puppy because we both really loved the breed.  At the time, Jordan was hoping for a slightly larger dog and I was hoping for a smaller dog.  Abby grew up to be a large Lhasa so she is perfect for our little family! When we set out to find our Abby, we actually looked in the newspaper a lot .  Abby and her siblings were up for sale at a local garage sale.  We found her in a pop up crib with several other pups that were very dirty and not well taken care of.  We had no idea what kind of traits made for a "good" dog so we looked for a pup that we conne...

Ra Ra Random

I've got another random post for you all today.  The last several days we've been very busy with work and catching up on stuff around the house. One of my tasks this weekend was to make some pom poms for a friend who is having a baby shower on Wednesday.  The pom poms were very easy to make but the large size pom poms turned out a little skimpy.  Here is a quick picture of the different colors I made.  You can find this tissue paper in almost any color at Party City and there are tons of tutorials out there that will demonstrate how to make these. We also are happy to report that we finally hung our college degrees that we have been meaning to hang up for a while.  They look really great on the large wall in our living room.  I'm very glad that we opted to get the same type of frame for all 3 degrees despite earning them at different times. Jordan's masters degree is in the middle and it looks very nice!  I particularly like ...

The Garage Fleckels

So we are going to do a little throw back today.  I'm even going to add a little hint of Fall since it's just around the corner. I'm going to take you through the Garage Remodel of October 2012.  The Fall is the ideal time to do any garage remodel.  This is an unofficial (and unqualified) "how to" on remodeling your garage.  Specifically, how to redo your garage floors. I wish I had more pictures from this process to share with you, but you're going to have to settle for the basics. Here we go: Step 1 - Determine the layout you need in your garage in order to fit your vehicles and/or junk. For us, we have a pretty small garage that has to fit a refrigerator, cabinets, and shelving.  Because of this, we can only fit 1 vehicle in the garage (my lil' bitty car).  Despite the single car limitations, we wanted to make sure we could fit a large vehicle in the garage just in case we ever upgraded vehicles.  (I've always dreamed of a Tahoe or 4 ...