Cha Cha Run

This week I am proud to say I actually got in a few runs. It feels very good to accomplish even 1 run during the week these days. I did week 6 day 1 and day 2 of the Couch to 5K program . I haven't run in a few weeks so it felt good to get back into my rhythm. I've never experienced " runner's high " but I feel I've come close while listening to a few of my favorite songs. My current favorite is "I Know What You Did In the Dark" (Light 'em Up) by Fall Out Boy. A few weeks (okay months) ago, this song came on while I was running. I'd started my run a little later than usual so the sun was lower in the sky and a storm was on the way. I thought surely I could fit my run in before the storm hit. I was wrong. The storm was blowing in just as I reached my half way mark. The light sprinkles felt great on my face and as I hit my stride this song pushed me harder and faster. There are some great lyrics in this s...