
Showing posts from October, 2015

Gourd Art - Happy Halloween!

When is the last time you carved a pumpkin?  I’m SURE I’ve carved a pumpkin as a child but those memories are so fuzzy!  A few weeks ago, Jordan and I snagged a few pictures together in a nearby pumpkin patch and that got me thinking about various gourd art! Here are a few pumpkin pictures!  It was very windy that day so please forgive the wild hair. Jordan and I debated whether or not to carve a pumpkin together.  I mean…that’s really an activity for kids and it seems like an awful lot of work and mess to deal with.  Still, I just couldn’t resist the idea.  We’ve been married for 5 years and together for 9 years before that so it was high time we carved a darn pumpkin together!  It's messy but at least it's not that expensive! So we picked out a pretty pumpkin and Jordan helped me set up all our tools. Top Left: I wanted to keep the carving to a minimum.  I don’t have time for anything too detailed or intricate.  ...

Fair Weather Walks - Prayers for OSU

Thanks to Hurricane Patricia Texas has finally moved into the Fall season!  We’ve been getting some rain lately, but the last few days have been perfect!  Jordan and I have been trying to take advantage of the nice weather by going on more walks and even a bike ride!  We own two beautiful bikes and it’s nice to be able to use them! Here are a few pictures from a recent walk.  Abby is not a fan of selfies. She could care less and is easily distracted (especially outdoors). Squirrel! Below Pics: Jordan and I on our snazzy bikes.  We can go much further on the bikes than we can walking so we get to see much more of the surrounding neighborhoods.  I was prepared for my legs to hurt afterward, but instead my rear-end hurt!  I don’t remember bicycle seats being so uncomfortable as a kid… I also want to share a few pictures from last weekend.  It was a stormy and gloomy weekend, but despite that, we went out for sushi with some friends...

Warm Soup and Chalk Paint (not together)

Where is the cool weather that is supposed to come with the Fall season? Hellllo?!?! Lately we've had weather in the high 80s and even busting into the 90s! It's October, right? I got myself (and our grocery list) all geared up for Fall foods and this warm weather is messing it up.  Well, warm weather or not Jordan and I decided to make tortilla soup last week! I've never made this dish but it seemed easy enough.  The recipe called for a LOT of vegetables and it was a broth based soup, nothing creamy.  All of that is code for "this one is pretty healthy."  It took a lot of work but was worth it because we made enough soup to last us through several meals during the week. I snapped several veggie pics and our kitchen smelled spicy!  At first I was getting overwhelmed with following the recipe but after a half hour the recipe became more of a "guideline". A few weekends ago we were gifted a dresser from some friends at the lake.  ...

CIC and Scott's Birthday

This past weekend Jordan and I had the opportunity to try something new.  I'd never before heard about an event called, Christmas in Cowtown, hosted by the Junior League of Fort Worth.  We had an action packed weekend browsing CIC and celebrating the birthday of my brother, Scott.  Happy birthday Scotty! These are a few pictures from CIC.  It is basically a big gift market where you can buy unique goods for the Christmas season.  There were a lot of jewelry vendors, clothes vendors, and super cute decor boutiques. Even though Sunday was Scott's actual birthday, we did the celebrating on Saturday.  It was really a beautiful day to relax outdoors. We all went to Martin House Brewery in the afternoon to enjoy some craft beers and visit under some shade.  MH is a perfect venue for a low-key get together.  They have lots of space for people to bring chairs, tents, games, and even their pets!  Everyone is friendly and they have a ...

Like a Boss

Community Service Announcement today!  For those of you who don't know, October 16th is national Bosses Day! Don't forget to celebrate the bigwig(s) in your life! My office happened to celebrate last week by hosting a breakfast for all our bosses.  It turned out great and we had some amazing foods! Muffins, Bagels, Fruit, and Scones! Ya'll have a wonderful week!


As usual, I'm behind on posting about the happenings in our household. I want to share a few pics from last week. Abby recently had her annual check up at the vet and it turned out that she needed her teeth seriously cleaned. Small dog breeds seem to have dental problems so Jordan and I have been trying to keep it under control as much as possible. The only catch is that they have to put pups under anesthesia to clean their teeth. It's totally understandable, but it's rough (ruff) on the dog. Abby handled the drugs like a champ and she sure gave us a few laughs.  When we first picked her up we tried to let her potty. I set her on the grass but, she refused to use all 4 legs. She looked more like a gopher just stoically still. When we finally got home, she made lots of grunting noises and we caught her staring at the wall a few times.  In the end, our little noodle was fine and she doesn't have to get her teeth cleaned again (surgically) for a long time.   ...

Partei, Singen, and Essen

Am vergangenen Wochenende genossen wir eine tolle Party!  Wait...better use English...  Last weekend we enjoyed an awesome party!  Mom and Dad hosted an Oktoberfest at the lake and we had such fun visiting, eating, and singing karaoke! The great thing about this particular party is that everyone really gets into the mood and dresses the part!  Every detail has a little German flare!  We enjoy bratwursts, sauerkraut, German potatoes, etc., etc.  Plus, there is plenty of "oompa" music! The outfits are awesome!  Everyone looked truly great! R to L - Elizabeth, Scott, Jordan, and I Frau Mom and Frau Cindy looked gorgeous! Left : These two have the cutest boots!  Can you tell they are sisters? Bottom Right : Cindy played her custom made alphorn!  Bottom Left : Elizabeth and Scott looking festive!  Top : This is a better picture of Cindy's alphorn.  I'm pretty sure our neighbor, Tanya, painted the beautifu...

Leaves Fall

I just love lazy evenings.  Now that the weather has finally started to cool down, Jordan and I are able to spend more time outside.  Last week, we enjoyed several evenings lounging and visiting in the backyard.  Abby LOVED being outside for a couple hours too (hopefully bug bites don't torture her)! Friday night we (Jordan) put together our new utility cart.  With the Fall approaching, we might be hitting up one of the trade days soon and this white gem will come in handy. It might seem a little overkill, but it will be so helpful to have a place to drop my purse, holiday purchases, and emergency bottled water. You can find this cart at Staples. While hanging out in the backyard last week, Jordan thought he would trim a few branches from the foliage in our yard.  We have a tall pecan tree and two shrub bushes.  The pecan tree does not yet produce fruit (thank goodness).  Of the two shurbs, one is a crape myrtle but I'm not sure what the oth...

Football and the Moon

Jordan and I had a fantastic visit with Scott and Elizabeth last weekend.  We had a busy schedule planned but  everything turned out great!  Fantastic food and great visits! We started Saturday morning with a couple of rival pictures since Texas Tech was playing TCU that day.  College football is just about the only sport I watch but I think we have a pretty good team this year! Top Left: Jordan and I with our guns up!  Wreck 'em! Top Right: Scott and Elizabeth!  Though Elizabeth is a horned frog, we still love her. Bottom Left: Abby didn't seem to tolerate the horned frogs in her back yard however.  I just happened to snap this picture when Jordan was picking up Abby and it looks like she is sabotaging Elizabeth's TCU spirit!  All in good fun though. Bottom Right: It was a great game but I'm sad to say my Red Raiders lost by just 3 points.  We put up a great fight and I'm proud of my Raiders!  The final score was 5...