
I don't have much to share with ya'll this week.  I suppose you could say this isn't the most dramatic blog out there, but we've enjoyed looking back at the pictures over time.

All weekend I've been enjoying some fresh flowers that Jordan bought as a surprise for me last week.  He is so incredibly thoughtful; I truly love that guy!  The flowers are alive after a full week so he sure knows how to pick 'em "just because"! 

Flowers!  This is one of my favorite vases, but I have to admit, this is the first time I've ever used it.  The angle opening is really interesting, but I never really know how to arrange flowers in it.  I was always afraid the arrangement would look lopsided.  
In any case, I decided to finally use it.  This vase is actually made by Waterford and it was given to me by a friend before he passed a way a few years ago.  My friend passed away rather suddenly, but I've always wondered if he could sense his illness when he gave this to me.  That friend always made me smile as does this vase.

I also wanted to share a recent find with you all.  While browsing Target I came across some really cool t-shirts.  I love the interesting T's and bought a few.  Among them is my Sriracha shirt, probably my favorite!  Sriracha sauce is a staple in our house and the shirt was calling out to me.    
Look for the rooster if you go out and buy this!  Everything else just isn't up to par.

We had kind of an awesome lazy Saturday.  Abby soaked it up (and so did I).  Below, I snapped a quick picture of her wild mustache face and was reminded of this hilarious monkey in the movie, Tarzan.  
Okay, so I probably post way too many pictures of Abby, but I love that girl!

Saturday, I got "Pinspired" by a picture of some cute nails on Pinterest. While I was out and about, I got my toes repainted to see if I could mimic the style.  Surprisingly, it turned out great!  It is a couple different shades of gray and mauvey purples with silver glitter.

You can ignore my wrinkly toes, please. 

This past weekend was HOT in Texas.  I know school just started and Fall is supposed to be "around the corner," but the weather seems to disagree with that sentiment.  Still, we did our fair share of outdoor projects.  We had to weed our front flower bed which was totally out of control.  We both wore our new Magellan shirts to protect ourselves from the sun and to help us keep cool.  They are starting to go on sale now at Academy if anyone is interested.  It's about that time to put 'em on sale since we are expecting the weather to change.

I think the birds have officially moved out of our backyard.  We had our baby chicks last month and set up a bird feeder but I think it's too hot for them.  Birdies don't seem to like our feeder, or the food.  Maybe we'll have to move it closer to the trees so they feel protected when they eat...
I do love our new feeder though.  And it's really easy to re-fill, not that I've had to do it often, yet.

While on the topic of being outside, I thought I would do a throw-back to our Four o'clocks flowers.  I wrote about these almost a year ago when we first planted these little guys.  Well, they are more like a pretty looking weed, so I don't know if "planted" is the right word so much as they were just "allowed" to grow.
In 2013, (left) they were just little sprouts in terrible clay dirt.
Today, (right) they are well established.  They kept falling over so we rigged up an old tomato cage to support them.  You'll see that originally we had a white bush and a pink bush.  Somehow, the pink bush is growing must faster so he's dominating the smaller white plant.  It'll be interesting to see how big they get next year.  I'm too embarrassed to show you all a picture of my hydrangea plant.  I don't know where I went wrong but I'm pretty sure that "green thumb" isn't working for me.

And lastly, I have to share some pictures from Jordan's "ALS Ice Bucket Challenge".  He was challenged by 2 of our friends last week.  Originally, he wasn't going to participate in the trend, but after a hot day of working outside, icy water dumped all over him must have started to sound appealing.  Maybe he was delirious.
So....we got the ice, the water, and the camera.  The only problem is that someone I forgot to hit the "video" button.  It was a major "oops" on my part.  I was so consumed with how funny this would be that I forgot how to use a basic iPhone.  It's really tragic actually because it was a hilarious moment that I would have loved to share with you all.  
Instead, I have an awesome "before" and "after" picture below (you know...thinking I was starting and stopping the video).  We ended up doing the water challenge one more time for some friends and it was just as funny the second time.  Yes, I remembered to hit the record button the second time so I'll probably post that to our YouTube channel soon.

See...proof that there was ice, and a lot of it.  Hey, why not use it as an opportunity to clean out the ice maker?  Poor Jordan. ;)

Until next time!


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