Memorial Editorial

I finally had a chance to sit down and go through all our pictures from the Memorial holiday a few weekends ago!  This year we had our 4th annual Memorial day family reunion at the lake and just like years before, it was a blast!  You can read about past years here: the dry ice of 2016, the guacamole of 2015, and the Sophie 4-wheeler rides of 2014...  Who knows what adventures lay ahead!

The water at the lake is full and water life is flourishing!  Pictured above is Tyler, Sophie (pup),  Ryan, Sam, Dad, and Dylan.  They went out tubing and bouncing over the waves!  I think there is a certain age when a kid decides that tubing actually hurts.  Tyler and Dylan are quite possibly approaching that age.  They are at a point where they must weigh the cost/benefit of tubing (cost of hurt/benefit of fun).

After tubing, everyone opted for some less painful fun, swimming.  I had a blast taking pictures of the various style jumps.
Top Left: Dylan entertaining us with a flip.
Top Right: John's cannonball.
Bottom Left: I have no idea what Dylan is doing in this picture.
Bottom Right: John launching himself with the help of Jordan.

This is an action sequence from R to L.  Jordan and John pitched Dylan into the lake by his arms and legs!  I love the random foot in the picture on the left.

After the water sports, we opted for some patriotic music.  We have SO many instrumentalists in our family so we like to get together for holidays to play (Memorial Day, July 4th, and Christmas)
Top Left: When you're at the lake, you have to improvise.  We didn't have a drum set but you must have a good cymbal for patriotic music.  This is a picture of a cymbal suspended by a string from the handle of the lawn mower.  Can you say 'Merica?
Top Right: We played all the classics - Starts and Stripes Forever, Star Spangled Banner, Armed Forces medley, etc.

The music was so much FUN to play but a bit rough around the edges.  This is a short video of Stars and Stripes Forever.  

Top: This is a picture of all our veterans!  From L to R - Ray, Ken, Josh, John, and Bry.  Thank you all for your service!
Bottom Left: Our family friends, Steve and Joyce
Bottom Right: Bry and John - it was great to see them on leave from the Navy!

Top Left: Sophie and Abby really enjoyed the jitney rides.  These dogs seem SO happy just driving around and smelling the wind!
Bottom Left: Abby and I on the jitney - her face cracks me up!  She is full of burrs but happy!
Bottom Left: Sophie - also happy pup!

Top Left: Uncle Ray holding E.  There were a lot of new faces and noises, plus it was HOT!
Top Right: Nasta, Nancy, and Alina
Bottom Left: Jordan, Me and Abby
Bottom Right: Kim, Mrs. P, and Rachel

This is our family picture from the weekend!  We are missing several people but we made great memories!


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