Memorial Day Fun

We had such a great weekend at the lake over the Memorial holiday!  To be honest, I didn't take many pictures.  Not on my phone or camera!  From the few pictures I did take, these are some of my favorites.

The last few years our family has used the Memorial holiday as an opportunity for a mini reunion of sorts.  Each year the number of people grows larger and larger and hovers around 30 people.  You can see some pictures from last year HERE.  

Since there are so many people going in different directions, we always have a schedule and a menu.  Albeit, a loose schedule, but it helps to keep everyone rounded up.  This year Dad and Mom used a fancy whiteboard to post the days activities and it seemed to work great!  
If you can't tell, Dad added extra flavor by adding doodles of artwork! 

Top: Mom, Aunt Barb (Mom's Aunt), and Grandma all visiting at the community shrimp boil!
Bottom Left: My sweet cousin, Rachel, and Uncle Ray driving the golf cart!
Bottom Right: Aunt Cindy and Mom under the pavilion.

Top: Mom, Aunt Joanie, and Cindy taking a drive in the pumpkin (actually a Razor vehicle?)
Bottom Left and Right: Have you ever heard of the watermelon challenge?  How many rubber bands does it take to split a watermelon?  Rebecka and Nasta found out in a sticky way!  Next year, Russian egg roulette!  

My cousin, Samantha taught all of us how to make rocket-fuel using dry ice.  It was honestly a pretty cool science experiment!  
Top Left: The cousin crowd (just a few) - L to R: Dylan, Sam, Stephanie, Cassidy, AJ, Elizabeth, Tyler, Scott
Bottom Right: Usually I have lots of food pictures for you but I only managed to snag this rib picture.  Mmmm!

And lastly, we rounded up the crew on Sunday evening for family photo.  It's really tough to get 28 people to look at the camera but this pic is the best I had!  Photo credit to my friend Steve!
Thank you to those who died serving our country and protecting our freedoms!  


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