Caramel and Hail

Last Tuesday we had such a fun opportunity to support one of our favorite businesses, Dallas Caramel Company ! We were invited to the open house event for DCC and got to see our friend, Rain! Not to mention that we got to wrap (and eat) a few caramels! Top Left: Rain and I! We are standing in front of their company map because Rain is making fast progress getting caramels into every state across the country! Bottom: These caramels are so decadent! This is her Sea Salt flavor. It's hard to pick just one flavor but Sea Salt sure is at the top of my list. Top Left: These bins were nearly empty at the time of the photo, but normally they are full of different flavors of caramel! I can't imagine being around this much deliciousness on a daily basis! Right: At the open house event, DCC allowed everyone to wrap a few caramels to take home so I snapped this pic of Jordan. I promise that he isn't as creepy as he looks in this...