Under Pressure

I have a short little post for the day! This Spring, Jordan and I decided that we needed to clean our driveway and back porch. We looked into renting a pressure washer but realized that we could buy one instead. There are some pretty good pressure washers on the market for fair prices and we found this one from SunJoe on Amazon . This is an electric pressure washer with 2030 psi. It has multiple adapters, a place to put cleanser, and a really nice handled nozzle. I was very impressed with the results! Here are a few pictures. This is a picture of our driveway the very first time Jordan used the pressure washer. The contrast between clean ( left ) and dirty ( right ) is crazy! Top Left and Right: This is from our back porch. We discovered that the cement is different since the porch was an add-on after the original construction. Because of this, there is still discoloration but at least it's clean! Bottom Left: ...