
The last couple weeks have been great!  Jordan and I have been busy as ever but the weather has been beautiful and we've enjoyed all kinds of holiday festivities.  I only have a short post for today because I need to get ready for our Thanksgiving!

I have a random hodgepodge of unrelated pictures to share.  
Left: I love the flexibility a laptop allows.  I work on my laptop all the time in bed.  It's comfortable, the bed serves as a large "table" to spread out papers and such, plus, Abby can snuggle near me (and happily snores).  Jordan took this picture of us girls last week.  I'm chugging through the never-ending mail while Abby snoozes nearby.
Top Right: I had a wonderful lunch a while ago with my friend, Wendy.  This lady is such a sweet friend and gave me this etched wine glass as a belated birthday present!  It's perfect!  Thank you Wendy!
Bottom Right: On the topic of coworkers and I have been making fun of the Starbucks holiday cup scandal.  It's crazy to think how much time people have wasted stressing over their cup and it's lack of snowflakes and snowmen.  Well...I decided I'd remedy that little problem and used some of my Christmas stickers I had a work.  Don't worry, it was all in good humor.'s confession time.  Jordan and I have already put up our Christmas decorations (except for the outside lights).  Yup, we did it BEFORE Thanksgiving.  This is actually the first time I've ever decorated for Christmas before Thanksgiving and I have to admit, it's kind of awesome.  It takes a lot of effort to decorate so, by doing it early, we get a few more weeks of holiday enjoyment!  Here are a few pictures of my favorite Christmas decorations around our house.
Top Left: This is the first ornament Jordan and I ever bought together.  We actually found it at a small coffee shop in the town where we live.  I love the combination of mistletoe with crystal.  This ornament makes me happy when I see it!
Middle Left: Stockings hung with care.  Doesn't everyone have a stocking for their dog?
Bottom Left: Cardinals donned our tree this year and I love them!  Abby was super interested and offered a rigorous sniff test when these came out of the box!
Top Middle: This is our tree in it's entirety!  Christmas trees are SO expensive and we've been very lucky with this one.  We found this beauty at a church garage sale the first year we were married and have used it ever since!  Yes, the lights flicker every now and then but we are trying our best to take care of it.
Bottom Middle:  I really wish I could remember who gave us this lovely ornament.  I put it on our tree every year!  TTU is a place that holds wonderful memories for us both so it's nice to have TTU represented on our tree. 
Top Right: For years and years Jordan and I have looked for an angel place atop our tree, but every year we have so much difficulty.  We never can find an angel that we both love and when we do, it is just SO expensive.  Instead, I started researching stars and came across this vintage tree topper on ebay.  It had a lineage and the price was right so this is the first year we've used it.  
Middle Right: This was a gift from Jordan our first Christmas as a married couple.  This little guy also holds a special place in my heart!
Bottom Right: So...I hang ornaments everywhere in our house.  They are on all door knobs, in bowls, and now they hang from our light fixtures!  

On Friday we kicked off our Thanksgiving celebration by hanging out with Jen and we all went to see Mockingjay Part 2! I thought the movie was great and seemed to stay pretty close with the book.    #SadAboutFinnick
Left: These are some of the first pretty Fall leaves I've seen of the season!  I couldn't help taking a picture!
Right: Jen, Me, and Jordan in front of the Mockingjay poster!  Selfies are difficult y'all, but we got mooost of our faces in this shot! 

Saturday, we traveled into Fort Worth to see my friend, Amanda, and her new fiance, Tim!  I'm so excited for their wedding next year!  We had a blast watching the TCU vs OU game.  TCU put up a good fight and OU won only by 1 point.
Top Left: The Fort Worth skyline.  Even though we live in Dallas, I've always felt that Fort Worth is way better.
Top Right: Abby was not enthused with the car ride.  She also refused to wear any kind of sweater so I tied a small purple ribbon to her collar.
Bottom Right: Tim got Abby's seal of approval and she promptly sat on him!
Bottom Middle: Amanda's pup, Stella, sporting her TCU jersey! Cutie!
Bottom Left: With all the travel this year, it's SUCH a blessing that gas prices have dropped!  Well, a blessing for the consumer at least.  Saturday, gas was $1.67 in our area and yesterday it had dropped to $1.63!!!  Yes, that's at least 50% cheaper than it was only a year ago!

This Thanksgiving Jordan and I feel so grateful for all that we have!  God is good!  
I wish everyone a happy and healthy Thanksgiving!  Bring on the stretchy pants!


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