Koala Bear

WHi Everyone!  Hope you are all staying warm!  It's 44 degrees in the Dallas area at this moment so I had to break down and turn on our heater!  Thank goodness for seat warmers in cars!

Jordan and I had a great weekend!  Saturday we got to meet up with our friends, Wendy and Nathan, for some delightful Mexican food from Chuy's.  Wendy and I try to meet up as regularly as we can to visit and work on various crafts.  She's very talented and a fantastic friend!  You can check out her beautiful projects at her online store HERE!

This is a quick pic of us at the restaurant!

One of the projects Wendy has graciously been helping me with is our t-shirt quilt!  You've seen our progress one bit at a time and we are so close to finishing!  I've learned so much from Wendy about the process and I love the results!

This is a picture of the finished top layer of the quilt!  I need to get this layer "quilted" together with the batting and a back layer but it's so close to finished!  Each of these shirts have such great memories for Jordan and I, it's going to be great to have a quilt to snuggle as we reminisce!

Saturday afternoon, Jordan and I took an impromptu trip to the lake!  There are lots of things we could have done at home but the lake is really hard to resist.

While at the lake, one of the first orders of business was to chop down a dead tree.  I feel like this is the 12th post about tree chopping but it's common place these days.

Here are a few pictures of the tree crew.  
Top: Major brush to haul away - aka the future bonfire
Bottom Left: Scott, master of the chainsaw
Bottom Right: AJ, equal chainsaw opponent

The tree choppin' was actually quite the entertaining event.  Us girls were all gathered around to watch the show and got some hilarious pictures.

These are just various pictures of Dad, Scott, Jordan, and AJ.  The top right picture has been dubbed "koala pic" because AJ just climbed up that tree like it was no problem.  It was just as funny to watch AJ Koala climb the tree as it was to watch him climb down.  Don't you especially love the look he's rocking (athletic shorts and cowboy boots)?  Gotta love it.

These are a couple of random pics I wanted to share:
Top: Sunday morning cooter haul from Uncle Tony.  It sounds nuts but Tony really finds some cool stuff that people just dump in the trash.  It never fails to draw in a crowd. (we are easily entertained)
Bottom Left: Ferocious Sophia (Smaug)
Bottom Right: In a previous post, I talked about a furniture trade that my Mom and I recently made.  I definitely got the better end of the deal but I wanted to share this picture of the buffet that we'd given Mom.  She painted it up and it fits perfectly under the pavilion!  

On Sunday morning we decided to do a little target practice with tannerite (don't worry we were very safe).  It was SO cool to watch!
Jordan was excited to use the slow-motion feature on his phone to capture one of the explosions.  It turned out really fantastic!
The picture on the right is the poor log that took the beating.

While at the lake, we got to meet Scott's girlfriend, Elizabeth.  I've heard such nice things about her so it was great to finally meet her in person!  She fit in very well at the lake (mayhem sometimes) and even let me take lots of pictures.
Top: Scott and Elizabeth drivin' the jitney!
Bottom Left: Scott with the 22
Bottom Left: Elizabeth with the 22

AJ and I both got a turn, but I can't believe I didn't get a picture of Jordan shooting the 22!  His video is pretty awesome though, so I've provided a link below for your viewing pleasure! :)
Bottom Right: "Christmas" the pig is getting BIG!  Last Thanksgiving we had pork and it turned out to be quite yummy and a really interesting experience.

And lastly, I want to leave you guys with this really cool picture.  My older brother, Andy, started a new job this year and has really enjoyed learning about the mechanics of ocean robotics.  He is SO excited when I talk to him on the phone and it warms my heart to hear that spark in his voice!  As far as I've learned, Andy is a technician for robotic machines that are designed to withstand immense pressure under the ocean's surface.  It's great for him to use his Navy skills and every dive is like a game! He sent Mom and Dad this styrofoam cup that he sunk to more than 11,000 feet!  

It's amazing what the pressure of the ocean was able to do to this styrofoam cup but it's even MORE amazing when you realize that this was once a 16 oz cup which is now no more than 2.5 inches tall.  Wow.

And that's all I have for you all today!  Stay warm!


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