Alright, Alright, Alright!
My weekend kicked off very well when I got a quick text from my brothers. About a month ago I'd crocheted each of my brothers hats for the winter. I'd made them in February and was about to drop them in the mail when I sprained my ankle. And so the hats sat for a few days weeks.
Friday, I got these hilarious pictures from my brothers and thought you all might enjoy!
Left: Scott deep in thought while wearing a grey and white hat.
Bottom Right: Scott and Andy both wearing the hats. I seriously thought they might be big, but they look a little tight. And why isn't Andy wearing a shirt???
Top Right: My foot as of Friday. Layers of bruising is still coming in and I still have some swelling but as you can see, I can put weight on it and walk without pain. Still hurts a lot to rotate, point, or flex too much.
We've been babysitting Sophie for my parents and it has been a wild adventure. Every moment they are jealous of each other for either a toy, treat, or affection. It's truly a love/hate relationship. These are a few moments I was able to capture last week.
Top: The girls snuggling together. It's amazing how sweet they can be to each other when they are both tuckered out.
Bottom Left: Sophie sleeping. No idea what's in her beard...
Bottom Right: Destroyed Teddy. Sophie and Abby had an exciting game of tug a war and the teddy paid for it by losing his head. Sophie is in the background of this photo as if to say, "paste it?"
I also wanted to show you guys some cool optical pictures of Jordan's eyes! He recently had an eye appointment and they have super cool technology these days to measure all sorts of things. Our eye doctor is a pretty interesting guy and I think he was excited to teach us a thing or two. Dr. Bunch has been taking care of our eyes for 4 years now and we love him!
They used a technology called optical coherence tomography, which our eye doctor explained was similar to sonar technology except instead of sound, machines use light. It all sounds very confusing but the detail this technology can show you is amazing! I'll save you the suspense, Jordan's peepers are just fine, except for his thick lenses.
Top: A picture of one of Jordan's eyes using the Optical Coherence Tomography technology. The center of the volcano, if you will, is his pupil and the green is the surface of his eye. Now that I type that, it sounds kind of gross.
Bottom Right: A different view of the volcano from the side.
Bottom Left: The old technology which is still pretty cool considering I can see so much disgusting detail.
After his eye appointment, we shopped for some new glasses. Jordan's prescription has barely changed but his poor glasses have seen better days. All of the glasses looked pretty good on Jordan but he went with a pair of frames that I love! Had to share his handsome photos. Oh, and the picture on the right is the pair of sunglasses the Dr. Bunch game him to protect his eyes until his pupils stopped dilating.
Friday evening brought my lovely cousin, Mandy, to the Dallas area! Jordan was out of town for the weekend so Mandy decided to come have a girls weekend with me! I have to say, I had such a wonderful time! We ate whatever we wanted, had a great time shopping, baked, and watched movies! Jordan would have been bored to tears but we had a ball!
Bottom Left: Our healthy breakfast Saturday morning! We are enjoying farm fresh eggs from my Aunt Caroline's brood of chickens, avocado, and cherry tomatoes!
Bottom Right: We had a long list of stores we wanted to go to but decided to start at Ross. Welp, that took about 3 hours which surprised us both, so we decided it was time for some good Tex-Mex before we hit up the rest of the stores on our list. I only just told ya'll about Frankie's Mexican Restaurant, but it's delicious enough to enjoy two weeks in a row! This is a picture of the two of us outside - hey, it was a windy day. Both Mandy and I were struck by how similar we look in this picture. Can you tell we're related?
Top: This is a picture of our sushi smorgasbord! After a long day of shopping (woe is me) we decided to watch a couple of movies and enjoy some sushi! The hard part is that it took me for-ev-er to make the TV work. That's usually Jordan's job in our house but now I have a new respect for him. I might need some directions next time (Jordan will make a sticky note that reads: THIS IS EASY).
For dessert, Mandy taught me how to make her apple pie using my cast iron frying pan. Mom gave me this frying pan a few years ago and it is so useful for lots of recipes! You can find the recipe HERE!
Our whole house smelled A-mazing! Apples and cinnamon are some of the best smells ever! My favorite picture above is of the brown sugar melting in the skillet! Alright, alright, alright! (After the Oscar's and Matthew McConaughey's speech, this was in our heads and seemed to fit every situation perfect!)
The pie is done! Picture Mandy and I dancing in the kitchen with delight!
Mandy and I had such a great weekend and I'm so glad she decided to visit! It was so great to see her and have some one-on-one time with her! I'm super happy that she lives in Texas now! (She is from New York and you can totally hear it in her voice. I love it!)
Meanwhile, Abby and Sophie are reaching their max capacity for liking each other. Those two girls remind me of the step sisters from Cinderella. Which one is Drizella and which one is Anastasia?
Abby finally had had enough and decided to go into the crate for some peace and quiet.
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