Too Square for Squares

Hi Friends!  This is the first blog I've ever written in the morning.  Let's just say I am not a morning person on a typical day, but for whatever reason, I woke up bright and early this morning.  I thought I would use the opportunity to tell ya'll about our week!

The real action of the week started on Wednesday at a work happy hour.  One of my co-workers has decided to leave the company and move to California!  It will be such an adventure for her, but we will certainly miss her!  To give her a proper send off, we decided to host a HH at Love and War in Plano, TX.  I sent the invitation to about 40 people and easily 30 people showed up!  We had current co-workers, friends from other departments, and friends who drove all the way from Fort Worth just to hang out with us!  It was great to see everyone and catch up on our lives outside of work.  For those of you who are new to the "real world" or work in a "corporate" job, don't underestimate the value of networking, whether it's a HH, meeting, or elevator conversation.  Every time I spend time with work friends/acquaintances, it makes me realize what cool people I work with!  Plus, it's not a bad idea to build those relationships!

This was the "golden opportunity" of the evening.  With limes of course.

The week rolled on and we got to see Jenn Jenn on Thursday evening!  We have a tradition of working on FPA Career Day name tags together each year.  We have a good system and it would be a horrible task to put them together on your own.  It works out great for both of us because we can visit and be productive at the same time!  And Abby was super excited to see Jenn.  She was bouncing around the room and leaping off furniture out of excitement (Abby, not Jenn).

This is Jenn with our noble steed, Abby.

Last month Jenn got Jordan such a thoughtful birthday present (Home Depot gift card) so Jordan had to show of some off his new tools.  Of everything that he purchased, this was his favorite:

Jordan says this is a "wing nut driver."  Apparently it's really handy for him and he thinks this is just the coolest tool ever.  To best explain this to me, Jordan went all SAT analogy - 
Jordan : Wing Nut Driver :: Kathy : New Gravy Boat
And then I suddenly understood how he felt!

After the chit chat, we got down to making the FPA name tags.  Abby helped with the colored stickers.
Goose playing with an empty sheet of stickers.

True to our nature, Jordan and I made a competition out of helping Jenn.  Here we are competing to see who can finish a task first.
Picture courtesy of Jenn - stolen from her snap chat.

And Friday I got my first lesson in playing Superbowl squares.  I've never heard of this before, but was peer pressured into buying a square.  The process goes like this (as I understand it).  You have to get enough people to buy all 100 squares on the grid below.  The numbers in the yellow boxes are blank at the time the squares are purchased and then later randomly filled in by a number generator.  This means that the odds are pretty even whether or not you are into football.  I purchased 1 square.  Just the 1 lonely square.

After the numbers were generated, I'm told I got good numbers (3 and 6).  The Seahawks have to have a score with the last digit of a 3 and the Broncos have to have a score with the last digit of a 6 in order for me to win.  I never win these things but it will be fun to speculate throughout the Superbowl.  I have 4 chances to win something.  If my numbers are correct at the end of a quarter, I could win $100.  If my numbers are correct on the final score, I could win $200.  Again, my chances are slim, but I think it'll spice up the game.

The last thing I want to leave with ya'll is this YouTube video.  Lately, I've been digging a song called "Beat Calls" by Scott & Brendo.  The music is awesome but the video is funny too!  I'm currently reading a book called "Insurgent" (the 2nd book in the Divergent trilogy) and I really think this would a be perfect song for the end credits in the "Insurgent" movie.  Enjoy!

Well, I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and enjoy watching the Superbowl!  Wish me luck with my numbers 3 and 6!


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