
Like every other household this time of year, we were hit with the flu (dun dun dunnnnn).  Jordan and I both spent the first part of the new year feeling very sick and as a result, I've fallen behind in my blogging!  Almost every day there is something fun or interesting that happens that I want to share with ya'll but those topics keep getting pushed back!

The flu started with Jordan.  He got a fever and just felt horrible.  I had a quiet weekend doing laundry while helping Jordan get back to health so I decided to try my hand at making homemade chicken noodle soup!  The soup turned out really great which is a good thing because I inadvertantly made WAY too much soup. After two full days of being sick, Jordan started feeling better and I started feeling pretty bad.  I thought I might miss this wave of sickness but couldn't escape.  The soup came in handy for me to have but we still had enough to freeze for later.

This is a picture of the soup.  I decided to leave out all things dairy except noodles so this is mostly just simple broth with veggies and chicken (all dark meat)!

Things improved for us this past week but still we've had some interesting moments.  After the flu, I got some news at work that we will be reorganizing.  That reorganization will be interesting and scary to watch unfold.

Next up, we got the news that our credit card numbers had been stolen.  If your credit card numbers are more than 2 years old, I highly suggest asking your credit card company for a new card.  It's just good sense.  We have a Chase Sapphire card and I can't rave about them enough!  We don't pay any annual fees on our credit card, but somehow Chase has us on a concierge plan.  After contacting the company, I only ever spoke to real people (never a recorded menu with options) and they immediately helped me out.  After we isolated the fraud ($2,200.00+ spent at Groupon), my first customer representative needed to transfer me to the Fraud Department.  Instead of forwarding the call, she did a 3 way conversation and introduced me to the new account representative.  She then summarized the issue for all 3 of us before answering last minute questions and leaving the line.  It really was a great experience considering our identity had been stolen!  5 points for Chase! (read in a Griffindor voice)

Finally Friday had arrived!  Jordan and I were both glad that the week was over, we were both feeling well again, and we had the weekend ahead of us.  Just as we were deciding what to do for the evening the door bell rings.  Who should be at the door?  Well, that would be the fire department and police officers.  It turns out that someone had accidentally run over our gas pipe outside our house.  Gas was escaping into the air but luckily no one was hurt.  The guy who hit it felt terrible too.  I'm just glad that it wasn't me!  And with that, our Friday night plans were determined for us.  Jordan spent the majority of the evening overseeing the repairs while Abby and I hung out inside next to the electric heater.  The gas pipe is all fixed and we are back in business.

I'm sorry I don't have a picture of the destroyed pipe.  It was too dark and cold to get a good one.  

Saturday I decided to do a little junkin' with my good friend, Wendy.  We like to hit up garage sales whenever we can and occasionally we find some good deals.  I spent more than I planned but I feel like we got some useful stuff.  Here goes the list:
Top Left: Stainless steal tray.  This tray is very sturdy and just seemed like a handy thing to have around.
Bottom Left: Medium sized duffle bag.  Duffle bags seem to break easily but this one had good zippers and was in good shape.  Jordan wasn't impressed but he'll probably be the first one to need a duffle this size.
Right: Crutches.  That's right folks.  No one has a broken leg here but we are both a little accident prone.  A good pair of crutches can be valuable.

Right: I found two scarves and a fun little purse.  The scarves might end up being camara straps but I thought they were pretty.  Already have them washed up.  The purse was just a unique find.  I think this lepard is the cuttest and this little purse would come in handy for a night on the town.  I have a feeling that Mom would love this but I haven't decided if I'll give it to her yet.
Top Right: Netural ladies jacket and bag of craft pearls
Bottom Right: Close up of the purse.

Left: Found this decanter that is shaped like a bell.  NO idea why I liked it.  I don't even need a decanter.  Maybe it will end up as decoration.
Right: Found this chair for only $5!  Yup!  It was pretty scuzzy and gross so I cleaned it up and put some Old English on it.  This little chair matches our kitchen set exactly and you can never have too many chairs!  

Then we hit a garage sale that had a lot of crafty items.  I found this unique marble chess set and talked the guy into giving it to me for $3.00.  It was HEAVY and needed to be wiped down, but Jordan and I thought it was pretty nifty.  I've never played chess so Jordan has started to teach me (that's just an uphill battle) and maybe we'll get some good entertainment out of it.  Makes him crazy that I call it a "castle" and a "horsey".

Top: Found this model ship at the crafty garage sale.  This is a naval destroyer ship and was super cool.  It's more than 3 feet long and let me tell you, it weighs plenty.  I bought this on behalf of my Mom for $15.00 and I really think it's a fun find.  We'll take it to the lake and display it somewhere.  After getting it home and mostly cleaned up, Jordan noticed some wires and did some electrical testing.  It turns out this little model is wired to have a working light at the bow and real electric propelers!  Very cool.
Bottom Left: Found 4 dress shirts and 3 ties that were exactly Jordan's size!  Some were really great brands like Banana Republic!
Bottom Right: Again a weird chess board.  This is a wooden one.  Still haven't figured out what I'm going to do with it but it seems cool.  (that sounds like something a hoarder would say)

And the rest of the weekend we enjoyed doing some odd chores that we couldn't do the weekend prior!  Abby enjoyed sabotaging the clean sheets (before I gave her a bath) while I was trying to make the bed.  I'm also continuing to work on a few blankets for Project Linus.  Left is a zebra print in progress.

I hope all of you are having a great week!


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