Christmas 2016 - Part 2

Happy new year!  I hope everyone reading this is having an excellent start to the new year.  It feels weird that it is already 2017 because 2016 flew by with SO much happening!  We had an awesome year packed with a trip to Play del Carmen, a fierce hail storm (followed by several house renovations), four weddings (two new sister-in-laws), new furniture, concerts/shows, and lots of fun with friends and family.  Everyone has ups and downs but I feel incredibly blessed for all that we have in our life!

I'm just getting my life together to write about the 2nd half of our Christmas holiday.  You can read about part 1 HERE.  I've got lots of fun pictures to share so I'll get rolling!

The newest addition to our extended family is a little puppy.  Scott and Elizabeth got a little miniature Goldendoodle puppy!  They named her Lucy and she is adorable!  I didn't even know you could get a "miniature" Goldendoodle!  Lucy has already been so much fun.  
Lucy is always in motion.  She is so fiesty and wants to play all the time!  I loved holding the little squirmy girl but Abby was NOT happy about sharing the spotlight.  Abby is a completely different dog when she is alone at our house vs around other pups.  Jealous girl.

We spent Christmas at the lake and enjoyed lots of good food, awesome presents and fun activities!
Left: My cousin, John, had leave from the Navy and got to come home!  It was great to have him at the lake again!
Top Right: Sophie hanging out on Dad's new boat!
Bottom Right: We also got to see my cousin, Megan, who has a brand new little one!  

There are always crazy activities at the lake.  Snakes and guns are no exception!
Top Left and Right: Scott, John, and Bry randomly found a water snake in the lake.  A 5 foot snake is not so scary when you're on dry land and the boys have the snake handled but I would freak out if I saw this while swimming!  Eek!
Bottom Left and Right: We had some fun shooting guns of all sorts.  I was glad to shoot Jordan's gun for the first time and the guys went through a ton of ammo!  

Don't forget to practice gun safety!  It's a lot of fun to shoot but it's serious stuff guys!

I also got some good pictures from Christmas day!
Top Left: Elizabeth, Scott, and Lucy!  It's amazing that she sat still long enough to take this picture!
Top Right: Abby was pouting a bit with the wrapping paper all around her.
Bottom Left: Aunt Cindy and Mom looked great and made an amazing meal!  Everything we go to the lake I feel like we stuff ourselves!
Bottom Right: This is Buddy dressed as "Buddy the Elf"!

Did I mention the food?  That is a 22 pound rub roast to be exact!  Mom cooked it to perfection (as usual)!  I think I need a little lesson in how to make this!

We always have a feast when we're at the lake!  Appetizers, amazing food, and desserts too!
Top: The buffet
Bottom Left: This is the 22lb roast before it went into the oven.
Bottom Right: Mom's homemade cherry pie!

That's all I have for today!  Thank you to our families for hosting us this Christmas and providing fantastic meals, gifts, and company!  We love you all!


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