Under Lock and Key

Last weekend we had such a blast with our friends, Amanda and Tim!  These two love birds just got back from their honeymoon and we wanted to do something to celebrate Amanda's birthday!  We decided to meet half way between Fort Worth and Dallas to do something but we weren't quite sure what kind of activity to do.

Jordan and I had done some light research on an "Escape Room" a few weeks ago.  The concept is quickly becoming popular and I've had several friends and co-workers recommend it.  The premise is much like a giant puzzle or scenario.  They lock a group of people into a room or series of rooms and the group (typically 4 to 8 people) has to solve puzzles and look for clues to help them "escape."  The idea sounds a little scary, but I promise it is safe and a lot of fun.

We chose to go with a company aptly named The Escape Room because they had a location in Southlake.  Southlake was a good midway meeting point between FtW and Dallas!  This company also had an excellent website and multiple "scenarios" to chose from.  

Our group decided to go with the "Prison Break" scenario:

Honestly, the whole experience was great!  It cost us $25 per person (plus tax) but it lasts a whole hour and it's an activity that appeals to all age groups.  This might be a fun event to do again during the hot months of the Texas summer!  It was well organized, challenging, and unique!

Top Left: Our "Game Maker" took this picture of our foursome when we finished the game.  The Game Maker's job was to watch our group via the cameras.  They make sure everyone is safe and feed the group clues via a computer monitor if needed.  We were allowed to have 3 "free" clues and every clue after that cost us 4 minutes added to our escape clock.  The "Prison Break" scenario is one of their easiest scenarios with a 31% escape rate but I must admit that we technically did not solve it in the allotted 60 minutes.  I really think we would have cracked the code if we'd had just 3 or 4 more minutes.  Bummer.  It wasn't a total let down though because the Game Maker talked us through the last lock and combination that we were working on.  There were a LOT of potential codes to pair with a LOT of locks.  Yipes!
Bottom Left: Selfie just before we went into the game!
Right Middle and Bottom: This is my first taste of a jalapeno margarita!  I thought it was pretty good but it's tough to beat the traditional cocktail.  We expended a lot of energy trying to solve the puzzles so we all decided to grab a bite at Howard Wang's.  I LOVED the food and wish there was a location closer to Dallas!  Jordan had the Phad Thai and I had the Spicy Basil Chow Fun.  Jordan and I have really grown to love Thai food this last year!  

I have some other random pictures to share with y'all!  We have two geese that have been living at my company.  It seriously feels like a wild life preserve when I walk into the building...lol!  Anyway, these geese honk all day long outside my office and this past week we found 13 eggs in the parking lot!  The lady goose is pretty territorial so we have to be careful walking in and out of the building! 
There are actually 2 nests!  The goose is sitting on the 1st nest so I have no idea how many eggs she has.  The 2nd nest has 13 total eggs but it's not been tended to.  Who knows what will come of this goose chase!

I leave you with this picture of Kelly Clarkson.  In light of the American Idol season finale, I was feeling nostalgic about the first season and dug up my old high school year book.  Kelly had signed my yearbook the year she won and I have been a big fan ever since.  
Top: Kelly Clarkson's autograph the year she won idol!  I believe this was 2002.
Bottom: Abby has completely enjoyed the nice weather!  She may be a city dog but she lounged outside whenever Jordan and I would let her out!


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