Birthday Fun Day

I feel like I had an epic birthday celebration last weekend! I can't believe a whole year has already passed!  How could that be?  It's true that time goes by faster with each passing year.  When I think about all the exciting things that have happened in the last year, it is very humbling!

My birthday fell on a Sunday this year and the timing worked out perfect to visit with some out of town friends who were already in the Dallas area.  I met some lovely ladies for dinner to catch up and they surprised me with a little birthday treat!  It's touching to have such sweet friends!

Top Left: L to R - Me, Neda, Laura, and Laura!  The four of us don't often get a chance to visit because we have all moved to different cities or different companies, but we always have a great time  when we can get together!  Friday night we had cocktails and dinner at Del Frisco's Grille.  The food was amazing but the company was better!
Top Right: My friends surprised me by orchestrating a little birthday dessert!  It was totally unexpected but the gesture really touched me!

Saturday, Jordan and I honestly just made a fun day out of exploring the city and doing some light shopping.  The weather was STUNNING to boot!

I'm a big fan of Kendra Scott jewelry so we took a short trip to the store to use my 50% off birthday coupon! 
Left: We stopped at the KS shop in Plano.  It's always very busy, but they have a large staff to help everyone!
Top Right: I fell in love with these earrings!  These gems were my bday purchase of choice!  
Bottom Right: While I was at the store I stumbled upon this bracelet.  I'm guilty of bday purchases but I managed to resist this bracelet!

KS was running low on the stock of the pieces that I loved, so they shipped product from a different location.  It was like opening a present when the box arrived in the mail, complete with a personal handwritten birthday card!  Cool huh?
You can find these earrings and matching bracelet HERE and HERE.  The KS Summer line comes out on 4/13!  I can't wait to see what's new!  Apparently it is "Rivera Inspired".
Honestly, I felt very spoiled with all the sweet gifts from friends and family!  Thank you everyone for thinking of me!

After KS, we did some light browsing around the Shops at Legacy.
We found this little park and fountain near the shops! Crazy pile of turtles!

Later that evening we decided to take Abby for a long walk.  This little lady had sensory overload of nature and other walkers/joggers.
Walk selfies!

I love birthday coupons!  We got a free birthday Starbucks drink while browsing through Target and they even decorated the cup! 
Left Top and Bottom: I don't often drink Starbucks but my kryptonite beverage would have to be this Chai Tea Latte Frappe.  
Right: Jordan bought me some beautiful birthday roses!  I've enjoyed these flowers so much!

Jordan and I have been trying to conserve our vacation time so that we can save up for some exciting upcoming weddings, BUT we decided to take off Monday to enjoy the weather and prolong bday festivities.  I told you guys, I felt completely pampered this year!  It was totally awesome to share fajitas and margaritas from OTB on the patio!  
Warm sun, cool breeze, fajitas, and sangria swirl margaritas.

Thank you everyone for such an enjoyable birthday! 


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