Super Sportsing

The Superbowl happened more than a week ago but I just love this picture of Abby and I.  In our household, the Superbowl is only a marginally important event.  I mean, the commercials tend to be the most exciting part of the game to me.  It's not that we don't like football...I'm just meh about the outcome when I don't even know the teams. 

For Abby, the Superbowl is super nap-time.  She was in the zzzzone, snoozing through the whole game.

Let's see, not much else has been going on in our little world.  We've been trying to clean up our yard a little bit now that the weather has been nicer outside.  Our new fence is so pretty and we've been trying to get things put back together.  While trimming up our tree I noticed that our Live Oak has some kind of growth on it.  When we first moved into our house we had to chop down our front yard tree because it was completely eaten up by bugs.  The first year that we lived in our house we planted the Live Oak and the last thing I want is for the bugs to return!

Below are some pictures of these tree and pests!
After hypothesizing about the type of bugs in our tree, we thought we'd go to the expert.  I took a long shot and messaged Neil Sperry on FB and he ACTUALLY replied!  I guess Neil and I are tight "buds" (lol...get it? I'm such a nerd).

Here's Neil's response:
How cool is that!?!?!?  Not only did a famous author kindly respond to me, but I have no reason to worry about our Live Oak tree!  Thank you for the advice Neil!  If you're a fan of Neil or even an amateur horticulturalist, you might want to subscribe to Neil's newsletter.  You can find it HERE.

Speaking of plants, I've been trying to work more vegetables into our daily diet and I've particularly loved brussel sprouts lately!  Like them or not, they are good for you.  Jordan and I put a balsamic dressing on them and it's delicious!

The weather in the Dallas area has been gorgeous!  It's so pretty outside that it's hard to convince Abby to come inside.  Here she is doing a little sun bathing.  She seems to enjoy the great outdoors of our tiny backyard!
Well, that's it for today!  I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful February!


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