Igniter Fire

Jordan and I are always looking for small ways to make home improvements without making a huge investment.  Lately, we've had a few little projects I thought I would share with you all.

Furniture is a tricky thing and tastes vary from person to person.  I'm a sentimental and thrifty gal who also happens to have an eclectic taste in decor.  The mixture of all those traits has a made our house a hodge-podge.  

Recently, I've decided I just don't like the dresser mirror in our bedroom.  The dressers we have are beautiful solid wood but they are just dated.  Jordan bought these dressers for me years ago so I'm not quite ready to get rid of them.  Painting them would be an option but I don't have the heart to cover up such beautiful wood finish.  The compromise I settled on is to update the dresser mirror.  
Top Left: This is a beautifully crafted scrolly look but I'm just over it.  Is this a colonial look?  Not sure.  Instead of this mirror, my goal was to replace it with a simple (and heavy) oval mirror that I found at a garage sale for $20.  The wood stain matches the dresser perfectly so I felt like I got a good deal.
Bottom Pictures: I enlisted Jordan to help me and he was obliged to use his fancy tools.  
Top Left: Abby was very nervous about the loud noises so she sat on the bed at a safe distance watching us work.

This is the final before/after picture.  As I said, this is a pretty small change on a tight budget but I like the look much better!  Hopefully we made a good choice.  
And if I ever decide to go back to the old look, we've stored the scrolly mirror safely away.
Next, I think I'll work on the dresser hardware.  The dresser drawers could use a facelift too!

Along with our planned projects, we also seem to have unplanned projects come up too!  A few weeks ago we were making dinner and the oven just wasn't pre-heating.  At this point, I was getting annoyed and finally asked Jordan to check it out.  

Jordan discovered that the igniter in our oven was broken!  Don't worry, gas wasn't leaking into the house it was a big inconvenience to have a broken oven.
My handy husband, isolated the broken piece and managed to fix the oven the very next night for less than $50.  I was very happy that we got it fixed but I must admit the seed was planted - perhaps a new stove is in our future?!
Top Left: This is the igniter that was broken.  It has seen better days.
Right: This was the blue flame after Jordan fixed it!
Bottom Left: Jordan was so excited to have the oven fixed that he made a batch of cookies!  (Try not to judge his cookie placement too harshly!)

Meanwhile, I had a mini project of my own.  A friend at work just had a baby so several of my coworkers and I put together this diaper cake!  I've never made something like this before but it turned out okay.  It took a lot more effort than I thought it would to put this sucker together!

Lastly, I have several Abby themed pictures for you guys!  This month is officially 5 years since we took Abby home!  This little nugget has been such a sweetie!
Top Left: is the first picture we ever took of her!  
Bottom Right and Left: Her first boat ride!  I love the wind blowing in her face!

When she was a puppy she actually fit (and slept) in a little basket!  These pictures were just after an exhausting lake trip and she was just DONE.
When she was a puppy she had such black ears!  Strangely, the black immediately started to grow out and today she as white ears!

These are just more of my favs.  Abby HATED the little sweater I put on her...lol.  She is so tolerant but was unhappy.

She's had countless baths, of course, over the last 5 years.  Again, she is tolerant but not happy about it.
That face of misery!

Well, that's all I've got for today!  Ya'll have a great week!


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