Thirty Birdie!

I have SO much to share with y'all today!  I have oodles of pictures from my thirtieth birthday bash last weekend!  Jordan did an amazing job organizing everything and recruited family and friends to help.  Everything turned out perfect and every moment of the weekend was great!  I'm one lucky gal.

Friday night, my cousin Mandy and her BF, Brandon, arrived.  I was glad they came a little early because it was nice to have their help to do some last minute prep before everyone else arrived.  We had fun doing some light shopping Saturday morning, and then Mandy very graciously helped me prepare some snack foods for the evening.

Saturday afternoon, the corral arrived and we all headed to TopGolf.  I've talked about TopGolf before (in detail) so I'll spare you the how-to-history and get right into pictures.  When we arrived at TopGolf, several folks were already there so it was a great time for hellos and hugs!
Top Left: Mandy and I in front of TopGolf.  
Top Right: This is Dad and Mom.  They always take fantastic pictures but I just really love this one. 
Bottom Left: Dad and I
Bottom Right: Jordan and I getting ready to golf!
One of the perks about having a Spring birthday is the weather in Texas.  Well, I guess the weather is really a gamble because it is usually a beautiful breezy 69 degrees, but there is always a chance you could have terrifying tornado threats.  This particular Saturday, it was PERFECT!  

Top Left: Me and Jenn
Top Right: Scott and Me
Bottom Left: Me, Mallory, and Jenn
Bottom Right: Mandy and Me - More than ever before, I'm noticing features from my parents and grandparents in the faces of myself, Mandy and Scott.  I see so much of my Grandma P. in Mandy's face, and so much of my Grandpa W. in Scott's eyes.  Both were definitely there with us in spirit.

It was so great to see everyone having fun and every single detail was handled (banner, decorations, food and drinks, logistics, everything!  I can't even take credit for a single pictures I'm sharing with you because everyone made sure to take plenty of photos on our camera.  Thank you to all of you picture takers for capturing this day!

As I mentioned, the details were totally handled!
Top Left: Mom looked like she was having a BLAST!  In this picture we are all rooting her on to hit the ball-collector-tractor-guy which was uncharacteristically close to the shooters.
Top Right: This is a collective effort of everyone taking individual pictures to say "Happy 30th Birthday Kathy!"  It was perfect and great to get recent photos of everyone.
Bottom Left: This is the wrapped frame before I opened it but there was also a basket of custom made koozies.  My awesome husband had these ordered and they said "Uh Oh, Kathy's turning 3 - Oh!"
Bottom Right: Everyone signed a guest book of sorts and left a little note for me.  Jenn is compiling the notes so I have such anticipation to read them soon!

These are more of my favorite pictures.  In general, there was just lots of laughter and fun.
Top Left: I'm hugging Jenn but whatever she was telling me must have been hilarious because I have a hardy laugh on my face!
Top Right: Dad and Mandy cracking up about something.
Bottom Left: Brandon, Mandy, Dad, Mom
Middle: Our GQ man, Scott
Bottom Right: Me and Jenn

Top Left: Me and Elizabeth!
Top Right: Me and Jenn!
Middle Right: Mallory and Nathan - gosh how I've missed these lovely ex-neighbors of ours.  It was great to see them and I'm so grateful they made the 4 hour journey to see us!
Bottom Left: Nathan, Me, and Jenn
Bottom Right: Me and Jordan (My other GQ man in my life!)

Post TopGolf, we all headed to BJ's Brewhouse.  There are so many great restaurants in our area but BJ's is always so easy to work with when you have big parties.  Plus....they have avocado eggrolls, my vice.
Again, my friends and family had everything set up and every detail looked so beautiful!
Top: My beautiful birthday cake made by my friend Rain!  And it tasted fantastic!  
Bottom Left: Elizabeth and Scott gave me such a creative gift!  They made a custom label and gave me some of my favorite wine!  Yum!  The label said "Aged to Perfection"!  That was a really cool idea!
Bottom Right: And Jenn gave me some beautiful Kendra Scott earrings!  I love these turquoise gems!

Top Left: Group pic of our party!
Top Right: Shenanigans - photo courtesy of Dad
Bottom Right and Left: Scrumptious cake time!

Thank you to all our family and friends for so many gifts and for coming to celebrate with me!  I'm so grateful to you all!  And isn't this a handsome group?:
From L to R: Mallory, Nathan, Jenn, Me, Jordan, Brandon, Mandy, Elizabeth, Scott, and Mom.  Dad is taking the photo.  

The fun didn't end on Saturday!  Jordan and I went to iFly (indoor skydiving) Sunday afternoon.  This was such a fun event and was so interesting to watch.  I don't have any pictures (yet) of Jordan and I flying, but the picture below is of the professionals.  Jordan and I didn't look nearly as graceful.
Bottom Left: our stamped hands 
Bottom Middle: I wanted to share my new hand signals.  You can't hear ANYTHING in the wind tunnel so hand signals are imperative.  The "peace sign" signals the flyer to "straighten their legs".
Bottom Right: Likewise the "TCU Horned Frog" hand signal tells the flyer to "bend their knees".  

Here are a few selfies just before we flew:
We look so fresh and ready to rock.  I wish I'd captured a post fly picture because we were exhausted!  It actually requires a lot of strength (in your arms and core) to fly correctly.  Naturally, I was dying.  Word of advice for next time: tuck all hair into your helmet.  I basically had dreadlocks after we flew.  That's not a flattering look on me it turns out!

And that's it from my birthday weekend!  The rest of the week, I was glad to catch up on rest and let the soreness in my muscles heal.

These are random photos (top) at my work. We have some new geese that keep hanging around my building.  They love to check themselves out in the reflection of the window but they are aggressive creatures!  I constantly hear them "honking" from my desk so I had to snag these pictures.
Bottom: These pictures are from our backyard flowers.  I'm so amazed that these flowers bounced back.  They are very fragrant and each tiny flower looks so delicate!  I just "dig" them.

Thursday night I went to help my friend, Rain, with some caramel creations.  Rain is the owner of Dallas Caramel Company and she was cranking out a batch of sea-salt caramel (another one of my vices).  I had so much fun visiting with her and we got a lot of work done!
These pictures speak for themselves, but the bottom left picture is a very fancy cutting tool.  I just think this is genius!
If you've never tried a DCC caramel, you're missing out.  My favorite flavors are Bacon, Sea-salt, TX Drunken Nut, and Chai, but they have lots and lots of unique flavors!

This weekend, we've been just doing odd stuff around the house and such.  We had a lot of left over veggies from the previous weekend, so I made up a breakfast casserole of sorts.  It actually turned out great and I was able to use a lot of leftover ingredients I already had on hand.  Yum!
That's all I have today!  I hope all of you had a happy Easter weekend!


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