Love is in the air!!! All around me I see birthdays, anniversaries, new marriages, twitterpated birds, and spring!!!
This is my favorite time of year for several reasons. One of which is the fact that the blue bonnets are in full bloom and gorgeous! Sorry I don't have pictures of the flowers for you but I've got several pics of other happenings for ya'll!
The last few weeks I've been admiring our new (used) car. I'm having trouble coming up with a name for her. Or is it a he? Since Saab is a Swedish brand, Jordan and I are trying to channel our inner Sweed. I need help to brainstorm! Randomly I'll walk out and realize I'm not looking for a small silver car anymore. We've been enjoying the new car immensely!
Abby has ahead a great week. Partly because she has had a ride in the car almost everyday and a walk almost everyday as we'll. In the above picture, she is ready to go riding shot gun!!
She has also had some fun with the rabbits this season. There is a darn rabbit that still resides in our back yard as I mentioned in my last post. I finally got a good picture of Peter the rabbit to share with you guys.
Here is a Wabbit video for ya'll:
Lets see.... we are also working on a small project. Jordan has a very tiny night stand on his side of the bed so we've decided we need a slightly larger piece. I see people refurbishing furniture alllll the time but I've never done anything like that myself. A while back we found a super old night stand at a garage sale for $8.00. (It was more than a "while" ago - this darn thing has been in our garage for eons.) It was certainly dated and dusty, but it is, at least, real wood. Since this sucker was so cheap, I decided to test our refurb skills on it. Low investment if we totally mess it up, right?
It's a little funny to watch the rabbit and Abby ping pong around the yard. Ignore the weeds.
Lets see.... we are also working on a small project. Jordan has a very tiny night stand on his side of the bed so we've decided we need a slightly larger piece. I see people refurbishing furniture alllll the time but I've never done anything like that myself. A while back we found a super old night stand at a garage sale for $8.00. (It was more than a "while" ago - this darn thing has been in our garage for eons.) It was certainly dated and dusty, but it is, at least, real wood. Since this sucker was so cheap, I decided to test our refurb skills on it. Low investment if we totally mess it up, right?
Jordan has given the whole thing a rough sanding and attached some pre-made wooden legs to the bottom of it. The design under the night stand was not ideal for attaching legs, but it worked and the brackets shouldn't be toooo noticeable. The next steps are to sand again, prime, and then paint!
In the above pictures, the legs are attached! Don't worry, they wont look so white and naked by the time we are done.
One of my friends recently got married and I have to post pictures of her beautiful day! She had so many beautiful elements to her wedding and Jordan and I had a BLAST!
There was a large, metal L-O-V-E sign light up with lights right by her cake. I think it gave a vintage feel to the wedding. Her reception was in an old warehouse (which doesn't sound as crazy as you think). The rough walls and ceilings of the warehouse were dressed up with beautiful chandeliers, pictures on the walls, candles, and all kinds of stuff to warm up the room. I thought it was kind of a cool contrast (warehouse meets elegant). Above are some crazy pictures we took in the photo booth with friends. It turns out that 6 people is a lot to fit into 1 photo booth but we managed it!
Here are some more pictures from the wedding:
Top Left: We were at table 20 which was actually an awesome place to be!
Top Middle: General ambiance of the room was beautiful!
Top Right: Jordan and I! Doesn't he look so nice!
Bottom Left: They had a beautiful wedding cake with peach flowers on top!
Bottom Middle: My hair do. I did my hair on my own but it took me forever! I wanted my hair in a loose-ish up-do. Let's just say it's more difficult to up-do your own hair than you'd think.
Bottom Right: Me, the bride, Meghan, and my friend Laura!
Last weekend Jordan and I visited Mom and Dad at the lake to celebrate Dad's birthday! We took the opportunity to go to Bowie Trade Days. If you've never been to any kind of "trade day" you really should go sometime.
We had fun at the trade days but shockingly, didn't buy much. I was a little chilled and my ankle was getting sore from some so much walking. We didn't stay long but I got a few pictures to share with you all.
Among all the loot and antiques you can look at, there are plenty of animals you can check out at a trade day. I fell in love with this super cute, all white Maltese puppy. He was such a cutie! We managed to resist the temptation to get him but he was fun to hold and love on.
We also saw pigs and goats, both of which, make a lot of noise. I think someday if Jordan and I have the space and land, I'd like to get a couple of fainting goats. They are hilarious.
The food is also pretty interesting at Bowie Trade days. We came across this place that made "tornado potatoes"! Basically they hook a potato up to this slicing machine that is connected to a hand drill. Push the drill and it "tornadoes" the potato into a long spiral. Kind of a cool novelty.
Left: The potato drill in action!
Top Right: Finished and fried tornado potato.
Bottom Right: This is a picture of Jordan shopping around. I wanted to give you guys an over view of what it looks like but honestly, every row of sales booths look different.
While we were at the lake, we checked out the progress of Schmitty. You'll remember Schmitty as the mobile porta-potty my Dad built. He is pretty much finished with the construction except for cosmetic touch ups.
Top Left: the outside view. Looks cute doesn't it!?
Top Right: Mom wanted a clean counter top so in this picture you can see Dad is curing some linoleum to the wood counter.
Middle Left: This is the view through the door.
Middle Right: The potty. A real one!
Bottom Left: this is an air vent which I'm sure we will all be grateful for at one time or another. Eventually Dad will probably put a screen in this little window to keep out bugs.
Bottom Right: The connection to to the septic.
And per my usual habit, I have to give you guys more pictures of the lake in general...
Some friends of my parent's made the wooden fish out of an old piece of wood. It turned out pretty cool so it has a prominent place at the lake!
Oh, and yes, the gamma-goat is "normal" to have at the lake. I love it!
My Uncle Tony recently got some chickens and because he lives near my parents, Abby kept running over to check on the chickens to watch them - intently. She doesn't have the instinct to attack, but something in her blood tells her that these things are super cool and must be guarded and intensely studied.
If we let her, she would sit there for hours on end just watching the chicken activity.
The last picture is of her totally asleep on the way home. With the new vehicle, all our gear can be in the hatchback and it leaves the back seat free for her to take over (or me). It's nice to have that space and she used it!
Hope you all have a great Easter and get to spend it with family!
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