New Beginnings and Best Intentions

The last several months (a year, let's be honest) I've contemplated starting a blog.  I've hemmed and hawwed over the details and where to begin.  What should we name it?  Will I have time to keep up with it?  Can I make the time to keep up with it?  What about privacy?  What kind of blog exactly will this be? 

Well friends, I still don't know the answers to all those questions but I do know that it will be fun to look back on our blog and remember these years and the crazy things that happen around us.  My hope is to provide a place to share funny stories and memories so that our friends and family can see what we are up to.  The more I thought about this little blog, the more I realized that it will be a place to write about LIFE in general!  I see no reason to limit the topic!  Jordan (my husband) and I love so many different things and we look forward to sharing our interests and adventures with you!

So here's to a new beginning and, of course, our best intentions!

And because no blog posting is complete without a picture, here's a little something for you.

Me and our nugget after she got a haircut! 

Till next time!


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