We've MOVED!

Thank you for visiting MarchSnow!  We've moved to WordPress, but would love to continue sharing stories with you!  Please visit our new website at marchsnowblog.com.

And if you care about the reason for our move....here's the backstory:

Our blog has been around since 2013, but I've had to do a little "construction" lately.  I'll spare you the gory details but, in truth, the blog has outgrown the Blogger platform.  When I first began this blog, Blogger seemed like the perfect place to share thoughts, pictures, and fun.  Lately however, Blogger has not been very helpful.  As of last Summer (September time frame) Blogger seemed to no longer support their app on iPhones.  Ya'll know me... I can't deal with that inconvenience!  I tried to figure out work-arounds, but the only long term solution I could come up with is to migrate the blog to WordPress!  

Thank you to all the followers who've stuck by me through the growing pains of a non-technical person figuring out how to blog!  I now begin a whole new journey of learning how to use WordPress!  Your tips, tricks, and prayers would be most helpful as I discover the vast world of Word Press!

We hope to see you at our new location: marchsnowblog.com


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