Growing Green - Spring Flowers and Garden Update

We've had some beautiful weather in Texas lately! I always get a little Spring fever this time of year along with the itch to plant fresh flowers. I think it's a combination of several factors: Spring break, warm weather, time change (more daylight to work with), and Easter just around the corner! This year is no exception. We planted some fresh flowers in our front flower beds! I always over think the color but in the end opt for something bright. Above you can see my haphazard planting design. With Jordan's help (thank goodness), it didn't take too long to get all of them in the ground. We ended up planting 48 flowers total! This is the finished flower bed! The flowers are so small, they are probably barely noticeable but I like them and I know they are there. I also have a little garden update. Earlier this month I posted pictures of our Growbox garden ! You can read about that HERE . So far,...