AC and Roomba ta-da!

I'm writing this post a bit out of order but I wanted to share these pictures! Jordan and I had been debating whether or not to get a Roomba vacuum cleaner for a while now. On the one hand, we really don't need it because Abby doesn't shed and our floors are all tile and wood. On the other hand, it is a pretty exciting gadget! We compromised and found a used Roomba 750 model on CraigsList for a fair price. And I've got to say, it's been pretty entertaining and I like it a lot! Abby is not a big fan of the Roomba. The first time we ran the Roomba, Abby pretty much ran out of the room like " Bye Felicia !" This happened over and over again so we started referring to the Roomba as Felicia! Felicia does a pretty good job on the floors. She is a bit louder than I anticipated and she's not the smartest vacuum cleaner on the market (sometimes she goes in circles or closes her self in the closet). Despite that, I've actually rea...