Back-up Dinner Plans

The last weeks have been a bit of a hodge-podge for Jordan and I. We've both been very absorbed in work so we are beat in the evenings. Fortunately, we've had great weather the last few weekends and the Memorial holiday is alllllmost here! A few weekends ago we decided, on a whim, to have a fire with some of our neighbors. We managed to have a productive day and it was great to relax with some friends! Here are a few pictures from our little fire night. Over the years, we've built quite a good selection of chairs, tables, and accessories to go with a fire. Pictured top right is one of my new stemless wine glasses! Glass is so iffy outdoors and these beauties offer style and even a little insulation. Bottom Right : These torches are just great! We have 4 and they illuminate the backyard very well! Maybe it's my imagination, but it seems like these torches (the fire) deter mosquitoes too! This season we missed the blue...