Garage Jig

Hi everyone! Happy Autumn!!! I'm trying to keep up with posts and I want to share a few pictures from my parent's garage sale a few weekends ago. Mom and Dad have been cleaning out all sorts of stuff which has inspired Jordan and I to also clean out some of our stuff (cough, cough). The collective contributions resulted in a pretty massive garage sale. Mom and Dad worked really hard to put it together and Jordan and I showed up the night before so we could be an extra pair of eyes. Pretty much Mom and Dad did all the work and we were moral support. All in all, the sale turned out pretty well! We sold a lot of stuff despite sparse foot traffic. Top Right and Left: These are just a few pictures of the whole scene. The weather was hot but not unbearable . Mom and Dad had lots of furniture, glassware, tools, antiques, and even a boat for sale! I pretty much took a box of Mom's stuff and she took a box o...