Jingle Mingle - Christmas Parade

I love the Christmas season and the holiday break from everything.  It's a season for family, Christmas lights, rest, presents, fun, and the list goes on!

I've been on a bit of a hiatus from blogging lately because I've been getting ready for Christmas, oh, and learning how to do my new job (still trying to figure that out).  Despite my tardiness in posting, I wanted to share some pictures from our annual Christmas parade at the lake!

Every year, my family along with neighbors and friends participate in a little lakeside parade of lights.  Each year the parade gets bigger and bigger with more participants and increasingly more elaborate decorations.  If you have any combination of wheels with a motor, you're eligible to be in the parade!

Top Left: Mom, Louis, Alina, and Lessa
Top Right: Redneck parade float - (boat with lights hitched to a trailer)
Middle Right: The whole gang
Bottom Left: Such pretty lights under the pavilion!
Bottom Right: Sleigh ride

Top Left: I know it's dark, but this is about half of the cars in the parade all lit up!
Top Right: The scene with the lake as a back drop
Middle Right: Aunt Cindy (with her elf bow), Mom, and Uncle Steve
Bottom Left: Mom and I
Bottom Right: The joyful crowd in the back of the trailer float

Every year after the parade we have a small Christmas musical performance.  Several people in our group of family and friends play instruments so it works out really great.
Top Left: Remi (flute), Me (flute), Stephanie (clarinet), Mom (clarinet), Uncle Tony (trumpet), Dad (baritone), and Aunt Cindy (french horn).  Like I said, we have our own mini band!
Along with music, everyone mingled and ate chili dogs and hot chocolate!

Jordan was able to capture this little video of the parade go by the house:

When we got home (remember, this was a few weeks ago) Jordan and I decided to get our Christmas decorations out!  Here is a shot of our little tree!
Top Left: I've been enjoying a faux fur blanket we recently bought and despite my best efforts to keep Abby off it, she seems to be drawn to it.  It has quickly become a favorite of mine and is toasty warm.
Bottom Left:  This is one of my favorite Christmas decorations.  I just remember being so exited to buy this little stocking for Abby's first Christmas.
Right: Would you believe this tree was actually free?  Yup!  The year Jordan and I got married, we were helping out with a garage sale from my home town church and this little tree was pretty much abandoned.  After a whole weekend of foot traffic, this tree was still left and tucked into a corner.  Jordan and I snagged it, took it home, and it turned out to be a perfect fit for our house!  Can't beat a free pre-lit tree!

That's all I have for now!  I hope to have some lovely pictures to share with you guys in the coming week of our Christmas break!  

For unto you is born this day, a Savior, Christ the Lord!  Luke 2:11


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