Chop and Split

Hi Ya'll! It's the NIGHT before Thanksgiving! YAY! I hope you all are in route or already arrived to visit family and enjoy delicious food! Jordan and I have so many blessings to be thankful for. I'm so grateful to have such a loving family, our health, a happy home, little miss Abigail, and the numerous other blessings in our lives! I'm going to try to make this one a quick post because I've got cooking to do folks! Lots to do before tomorrow (at least I remembered to defrost our turkey - thanks Mom!). I have a quick recap from this past weekend. It's been a short week but it feels like these pictures are from a while ago! At the lake we finally got so much needed rain. It wont make a dent in the lake level but it was beautiful to watch and hear. I didn't even mind having super frizzy hair! LOL! You'll remember a recent post were we chopped down a tree at the lake (there are multiple tree chopping posts, it's not really rel...