Quilting Memories

I've been working on a project for what feels like forever now and no, it's not our wedding scrapbook (although that took me more than 3 years to finish). Jordan and I have been planning to make a quilt of all our college t-shirts! Well, technically Jordan wont be doing any sewing, but he did wear a lot of the shirts and helped me figure out the placement of the "squares". I've always thought that a quilt would be lovely to have some day. Jordan and I participated in so many different things while we were in college and all the while I've had this idea in the back of my mind. Personalized quilts are so exciting but they are most definitely a lot of work! If you've read this blog before, you know my knitting/crocheting friend, Wendy. Wendy is such a talented person and makes some amazing things! You can peruse her work and fancy creations by visiting her online shop, Peas & Carrots . Trust me, you will end up marking everything as a ...