Dirty Girl
Jordan and I had a pretty uneventful weekend. As boring as that might be for the blog, I really enjoyed the relaxation and mellow vibe!
Saturday we both went for a run around the neighborhood, something we haven't done in a long time... This week I'm feeling the consequences of that decision in my legs, hips, and knees. Ouch.
Then we did the usual married couple boring mumbo jumbo (laundry, mow the yard, watch the TTU football game, etc.)
Saturday we both went for a run around the neighborhood, something we haven't done in a long time... This week I'm feeling the consequences of that decision in my legs, hips, and knees. Ouch.
Then we did the usual married couple boring mumbo jumbo (laundry, mow the yard, watch the TTU football game, etc.)
The most exciting thing that happened was laughing at our silly Abby and how DIRTY she got running around the backyard with Jordan. She had mud caked in between her paws and looked like a hot mess. It was late in the evening and the last thing I felt like doing was bathing her, so she got a half bath just for her dirty paws.
This is a picture of her paws (post bath). Her paws remind me a little of the Grinch paws with the long furry fingers.

You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch!
Seriously her fur look like this with the hair going way past her paws!
I'll have to put a disclaimer on this picture. The difference in color is mostly the lighting in the room, but Jordan and I are convinced that Abby is a whiter pup after a bath. This is the evidence to prove that point. (Left: after her "half bath" but still dirty. Right: Fresh after her sudsy full bath.)
There is not much else happening in our household. We've been watching Breaking Bad on Netflix together and can't wait to see how the series ends! I would caution those that might be faint at heart though. The series is very violent and can give you nightmares. I get a little chill when I hear the "ding" of a regular bell. I think there is something in our attic that likes to make noise at night which only compounds the creepiness. Still, the show is very suspenseful and keeps you guessing. Plus, the series has very impressive videography and acting.
Hope you all have an amazing week!
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