Blankets of Fleece and Beds of Flowers

Been a pleasant week so far.  The weather in Texas has been beautiful lately!  We've had the pleasure of enjoying our annual 2 weeks of Fall before Winter sets in.  I've enjoyed being at the house with the windows open.

This week I was able to finish a fleece blanket I've been working on.  I wrote a previous post about making a fleece like this and you can read about that HERE.  The blanket I finished this time is just for Jordan and I (previous blankets have been gifts).  I made this one pretty large so Jordan can comfortably use it and kept to a neutral pattern and color so that it can be used year round (I'm cold all the time).  It does fit in well with the Christmas colors though which is just around the corner.  ;)

If you're new to crocheting, I recommend starting with a project of this nature.  Fleece blankets can be done fairly quickly, can be made in any size and color, and keep you warm while making them!
Last year around this time Jordan and I bought 2 mum plants for our backyard.  I remember being super excited because we found them on sale at Home Depot for a really great deal.  Anyway, last year we got them home and within a week I'd managed to kill them and make all the flowers die away.  In a hail Mary effort, I trimmed off the dead parts and planted them in our flower bed.  All summer long they've managed to recover from the abuse I inflicted upon them and finally they are blooming!  I've never considered myself to have a "green thumb" (that's Mom's area of expertise) but in this case, I impressed myself. 
I've included a few pictures of our pretty yellow mums for your viewing pleasure!

Not quite sure what the pink and white flowers are called but those suckers are hard to kill (my kind of plant).  They compliment our "Oklahoma" colored stonework very well!

Very glad we went with the happy yellow color! (Channeling my inner Bob Ross
Halloween is my LEAST favorite holiday but it is fast approaching!  I just can't handle the scary movies, terrifying costumes, smelly make-up, demanding children, and thrown-together-costumes. Never the less, I wish you all a happy almost Halloween!


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