Welcome to New York (aka Family Palooza)
Hi everyone! Jordan and I just returned from a rather epic trip and have lots to share with you. The trip was so action packed that it has taken me several days to fully wrap my mind around this particular post. I considered breaking it up into a part 1 and part 2 post but decided against it. Here we go...
The last several months my family (on my Dad's side) has been planning a family reunion to celebrate my Grandpa's 90th birthday! Ya'll, my family has a Google Doc and everything to stay organized. You might think that's nerdy but it was actually really helpful. After much preparation and planning, Jordan and I packed up and flew to Buffalo, NY! Our trip was full of interesting details so I'm going to do my best to share as much about the trip as possible without boring you. Despite my best efforts to trim down the pictures, I have exactly 100 pictures to show you!
I should begin with the Thursday before we left. Jordan and I both had to work, of course, so we spent all Thursday evening packing. It's not difficult to pack for a 6 day stay, but we had a wide range of activities to prepare for (parties, church, casual, pictures, etc. etc.) We stayed up very late getting our luggage handled and then got up really early to catch our flight. 3:30AM does not look good on me.
Top: Abby seemed to sense that we were leaving. We usually let her sleep on our bed but she was very uncharacteristically sleeping on a mountain of pillows, melting into the bedding.
Bottom Left: I have a packing process, that's for sure. It always has to get really messy before it starts to come together. I like to lay every item out so I can count clothes and see everything. Then, it's pretty easy to pack it into suitcases after that. And no, not everything in this picture is mine, this is both Jordan's and my stuff (although admittedly the bulk is mine).
Bottom Right: We flew Southwest airlines. It's not a bad way to go because luggage is free and the service is good. The only hiccup we had was some new guy as the air traffic controller in Baltimore. Every single flight from Buffalo to Baltimore was delayed by several hours.
We arrived in Buffalo safely and even had a little time at my cousin, Elaine's, house to freshen up. It was great to see Elaine and her family while we were up north! I feel very grateful that we could stay with them while we were in the Buffalo area!
Finally, after a long day of travel, the craziness of family commenced! We kicked off our visit with family at a neighborhood restaurant called, Gordie Harper's Bazaar. It's like a Cracker Barrel with the shop and dine theme.
Top: I suppose this was the "kids table". Most everyone in this picture is my cousin!
Bottom Left: Our family easily packed the small back room of this restaurant! This is another full table of more cousins, Aunts and Uncles, and the man of the hour, Grandpa.
Bottom Right: Gosh I miss my brother. It's hard to stay in touch with my brother, Andy, when we live so far away, but each time I get to see him, it's like no time has passed. I love this picture of Andy with Christina and my lovely niece, Kenley.
Top Left: Grandpa and Aunt Jill
Middle Left: Mandy and Brandon
Bottom Left: Jordan and I
Right: Me and Andy (His beard isn't too bad, Mom, he's had worse)
Gordie Harper's was great. I'm surprised they have any fish leftover after all the fish frys our family ordered. Naturally, it was time for a little ice cream from Baehr's.
Top and Bottom Right: Obligatory signs so I could remember where we ate.
Bottom Left: Kenley insisted that I sit in the back seat with her and I couldn't help but acquiesce. We did a little backseat jamming to music while Jordan chauffeured us (she knew ALL the words). Taylor Swift and Rachel Platten = great sing-along music.
Top Left: I shamelessly stole Diana's ice cream order. A cookie jar sundae sounded A-mazing! As it turns out several other people ordered the same thing. This is our cookie jar sundae toast!
Top Middle: Miss Kenley and I enjoying the ice cream vibe.
Top Right: Kenley all smiles with her slushie!
Bottom: Believe it or not, this huge crowd is all family. And not everyone had arrived yet!
We all got a nice sugar rush and decided to get a few group pictures. The pictures really started because several men in our family happened to wear mint. What are the chances?
Top: Brian, Mike, Grandpa, Andy, Uncle Dave - yes, we have some handsome (and tall) guys in our family!
Bottom Left and Right: Kenley joined in the fun and seemed to be really enjoying herself! She is such a cutie!
We couldn't let the boys have all the fun so us girls took a picture too!
Top: From L to R Julie, Mandy, Me, Kenley, Diana, Grandpa, Barb, Sarah, Sue, Jill, Jenna, Nicole, and Becky (there'll be a test later).
Bottom: Mandy convinced all of us to do what I call the "sorority pose" and I think Grandpa's expression is hilarious! Lookin' good ladies!
Top: We got all the guys together too! L to R - Ryan, Brian, Kyle, Brian, Mike, Grandpa, Andy, Jordan, Frank, Dave, and Rick. I know, 2 Brians and 1 Ryan makes it nice and confusing, but we manage.
Bottom: Not to be outdone, a few of the guys did the sorority pose (mockingly) quite nicely if I do say so! L to R - Ryan, Brian, Kyle, Brian, Mike, Grandpa, and Andy
There were 29 of us in all so we spent a lot of time outside under the shade tree. We got lucky with beautiful weather so it was really great! After living in 100 degree Texas July heat, 70 degrees was divine!
Top Left: The circle of chairs!
Top Right: My Aunt Jill and Jenna!
Bottom Left and Right: Jordan and I gave Kenley some CraZsand! If you've never played with CraZsand, it's pretty cool even for adults.
At any give time we had 9+ cars parked in Grandpa's yard. It was a constantly full and rotating house!
Bottom Left and Right: Jenna and Kenley played with chalk and then her and Dad played a hilarious game of shaking ping-pong balls out of a kleenex box. Really funny to watch!
Aunt Sue and Sarah brought an arsenal of games for all of us to play and they went over really well. I think everyone felt ridiculous at times but everyone was enthusiastic (and talented).
Top Left: Mom and Grandpa. I think he was loving watching the hysterical games.
Top Right: Mom, Kenley, and Grandpa
All Other: Me, Andy, Jordan, and Kenley all participated in a rousing game with pantyhose on our heads. The idea was to wear the pantyhose over your head and then using a ball in the leg of the hose, knock over a water bottle. The trick was to get some good momentum.
Up next, we played several other games. Using only our breath and a straw we sucked M&M's from one bowl and dropped into a cup. Each round was timed, of course and surprisingly, several people were good at this game (gold star to Brian G!)! We also did a ping-pong relay using spoons in our mouths. Nope, I'm not making this up.
Top Right and Left: Jordan and I took our turn with the M&Ms.
Bottom Left: Jordan was on a team with Kenley and took a knee so they could pass the ping pong ball at her height.
Bottom Right: Kenley and Diana were doing so well and dropped the ball just as I snapped this picture.
With the cool temperatures and so many people, all of the cousins played kickball in Grandpa's back yard. As Diana put it, "you know you're from a big family when you have enough people to make TWO kickball teams and still have people to cheer." Wow!
Top Left: This is one of my favorite kickball pictures of Kenley because she is kicking with all her might while wearing her balloon hat.
Top Middle: Kenley got on the bases several times and easily kept up with everyone.
Top Right: Jordan's turn.
Bottom Left: I got lucky with this picture and snapped Sarah's shoe flying as she kicked the ball.
Kickball is not complete without team names so I took a few pictures of each team to keep it straight.
Team Awesome
Top: Smiles! L to R - Nicole, Mandy, Julie, Brian, Jordan, Jenna, and (Mike below)
Bottom: Serious game faces. This one is full of personality. Jenna is hilarious and though Julie moves in the picture, she stays the EXACT same!
Team #1
Top: Smiles L to R - Becky, Diana, Brian, Brandon, Andy, Christina, Kyle, and Frank
Bottom: Game faces!
Later that afternoon we went to the "Homestead" to visit our Aunt Marsha and her clan of family. I feel like at this point there were easily 50+ people present. The Homestead is a cute little country house where my Grandpa was born. The house and big red barn has a ton of history. Aunt Marsha was literally bouncing with excitement.
Top Left: Aunt Marsha and Andy
Top Right: Me and Diana
Middle Right: Jordan, Me, Dad, and Mom
Bottom: Jordan captured this panorama of the scene (most of it at least)
Aunt Marsha and Dick own the Homestead today and they've been doing some great work over the years to fix up the house. While the family was gathered around, Marsha told us a story about their renovations and how they came across a capsule that was tucked into the cement of the back porch. This cylinder with a glass top turned out to be a time capsule written by my Great Grandma and Grandpa!
Top Left and Right: This is a picture of the front and back of the note in the time capsule.
Bottom Left: Brian read the note aloud for the whole family to hear. It's tough to read I did my best to translate the note.
"June 1st, 1940 - This porch was made by Arthur Burton 18, Burton Orson, and --?-- William our hired --?--. Charlie Grant age 74 fixed the back porch. Gordon planted tulip tree. Lester 16 yrs and Lawrence are L. William's sons. In Europe thousands of English are dying because the Germans have them trapped. Ruth is noted for the 4H band. We broadcast over station WHLD Niagra. Arthur owns 3 sheep. We have 2 mares, Max and Dick. This house is 125 years old now, if you find this note, figure out how old the house is then."
After reading the note, Aunt Marsha handed us all paper to inscribe our own thoughts and place them back into the time-capsule for later generations to read one day.
I just think this is the coolest note ever! The last sentence makes me wonder if they thought the note wouldn't survive all these years. If the house was 125 years old in 1940, that means that our family reunited exactly on the bicentennial year, 200 years old! That blows my mind! If you think of how many generations have come into the world after this note was written, it's amazing. Burton was my great grandfather. Such history!
Top Left: Mandy and I got our arms all the way around the big front yard tree.
Top Right: Me, Grandpa, and Jordan in front of the Homestead.
Bottom Left: Dad and Me
Middle Bottom: Dad, Kenley, Mom
Bottom Right: Andy, Grandpa, and Me
Middle Left: This is a picture of a painting my great grandmother painted when she was 102 years old. Aunt Marsha came across the painting and got a chuckle because grandma signed it RB Inc. as if she was incorporated. Grandma's humor lives on in this little painting and it will be a fantastic treasure for years to come. With the family all gathered, we did a little auction of the painting and gave the proceeds to Grandpa for his 90th birthday. Jordan and I gave it a gallant effort but in the end, Aunt Ginny won the auction.
Sunday the whole family accompanied Grandpa to church and packed the tiny building. Our impressive sized group filled 4.5 pews! Very sorry to the folks out there who we displaced from their usual seats!
Top Left: Me and Diana - we had a theme going of complimenting each other's color choices.
Middle Left: Andy, Mom, and Me on our way into the service!
Bottom Left: Impressively, the majority of the family was early so we had time to chitty chat and snap a few pictures before church began.
Right: Jordan and I
During the church service I was surprised to see that we were going to sing a hymn written by my great grandma Ruth! Cool huh? Here is a picture of the music that she shared with the congregation!

My Dad is 1 of 5 kiddos so between all of them, there was much to organize for Grandpa's birthday palooza. One of the things that all of the siblings put together for Grandpa was the dedication of a tree in his honor planted in the church's new mediation garden! Just opposite "his" tree is another one in memory of my Grandmother. I think this was a great idea because the tree can be enjoyed by members of the congregation and provide a small resting place for one to reflect and pray.
Top: The whole family got together for a picture in front of the meditation garden. With the bright sun, we've got squinty eyes and sunglasses but this is the gang!
Bottom: This is Grandpa and our immediate family next to the tree (Crabapple). We were missing Scott but someone had to stay behind to keep Texas great.
After church we spent a few hours back at Grandpa's eating lunch and gearing up for his party. It felt like half an hour with all the activity happening. Grandpa's birthday party was an old fashioned ice cream social in the basement of the church. The theme was perfect and you could tell that everyone worked really hard to pull together all the great details. We had a slide show of pictures, a few of Grandpa's favorite paintings, a copy of his book readily available, and plenty of friends and family to gab with.
Top Left: You read that correctly, yes, Grandpa wrote a book! "A Time to Live" is a good read and you can buy it on Amazon for $14.95. You can also get the book in color for $20.95.
Top Right: Andy and Kenley standing next to Grandpa's painting of John Honeyman and George Washington called "Prelude to the Crossing". John Honeyman is Grandpa's fourth great grandfather and known as a double agent spy during the Revolutionary War! Cool huh?
Middle Right: Me with my Aunt Barb and Aunt Sue!
Bottom Left: This is a small collection of pictures of Grandpa looking dapper!
Bottom Right: A family reunion is not complete without a little barbershop singing! We've got some great male singers in our family but there was a lot of bass. Mom and I joined in to help balance some of the parts to "America the Beautiful". We didn't sound perfect but it was a lot of fun!
Top Left: Cousins table at the party! Well, as many that will fit anyway.
Top Right: Diana worked very hard for several months to put together a photo/guest book for the party. Her and I (and I'm sure others) had fun digging up pictures of him and it turned out beautiful!
Bottom Left: Jordan and I found a Price is Right t-shirt for Grandpa's birthday present. That's a great show and Bob Barker was the best.
Bottom Right: Then it was "man time" (grunt). Andy got out his BioLite Wood Burning Camp Stove to show the guys and they soaked it up! The boys men seemed to have fun using the stove to charge their iPhones.
As if the day wasn't packed with events already, it was time for more kickball!
This time the game got a litttttle more competitive. Kenley added a nice obstacle course element by requiring that all base runners must give her a piggy-back-ride from 3rd base to home. Brilliant tactic by Team Awesome (or perhaps team 1 - she was on the convenient team).
That night we had to say most of our goodbyes since the weekend was over. Quite a bummer but it was so great to see everyone! Truly, we have a fantastic family and everyone seems happy in their lives near and far. Love you all!
While everyone was packing up I snagged this picture of Dad and Kenley. During the visit, they'd made a ship together! Adorable!

Top: Kenley and Dad
Bottom Left and Right: Kenley and I wanted to surprise Mom and Dad with a gift so we took a few pictures together in front of the sign of their hometown, Somerset! We had to be sneaky to find the moment to take this picture but it worked out!
While everyone was packing up I snagged this picture of Dad and Kenley. During the visit, they'd made a ship together! Adorable!

Top: Kenley and Dad
Bottom Left and Right: Kenley and I wanted to surprise Mom and Dad with a gift so we took a few pictures together in front of the sign of their hometown, Somerset! We had to be sneaky to find the moment to take this picture but it worked out!
Monday, Jordan and I kept a low profile at Elaine's house. The weather was gorgeous and it was really nice to sip coffee and visit on her back porch. Andy, Christina, and Kenley popped in that afternoon and Kenley was able to hang out with Kayleigh doing some water sportsing.
Tuesday, we visited my Grandma and my Aunt Joanie on my Mom's side of the family at the Ship n' Shore. We saw them Memorial Day weekend at the lake, but it was great to see them in their element.
Top: We had a great visit outside on the patio. L to R - Me, Grandma, Joanie, and Mom
Bottom: Kayleigh and I had a great time hanging out during our stay in NY!
Tuesday evening Mom and Dad treated our family to a fantastic dinner at Wilson's Boathouse. The food was delicious and the conversation was even better. Since we'd all had a very busy few days, we took our time eating and then took a stroll on the pier.
Top: The fam.
Bottom Left: Kenley, Andy, and Christina
Bottom Right: Look at all these beautiful boats! We do have sailboats in Texas, but I feel like I rarely see them.
With it being our last night, there were still so many pictures to take! Actually, Jordan took several of these so the credit goes to him.
Among this bunch, my favorite is Andy and Kenley just checking out the glassy water. Love them!
And that's all I've got for yall today! I know this post is a few weeks after our trip but we had an amazing time and felt sad to leave. Hope you all have a great week!
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