Rain is a Good Thing...Right?

If you've been following the news lately, you'll know that Texas has had a huge influx of rain lately. And by "influx," I mean, massive amounts of rain all at one time ! In the Dallas area, we've had weeks of consecutive days with rain/storms/tornadoes. It's become a normal thing to hear my phone blaring flood warnings at all hours. All vegetation is green and lush , but it's also squishy and saturated . Occasionally, we will have a day when the sun comes up, but it feels almost abnormal now; like I'm a vampire who has become unaccustomed to the sunlight. All this rain is a mixed blessing. Texas is not built for so much moisture. We just aren't used to it ya'll! There are so many Texas cities experiencing flooding and homes have had so much damage in the last few weeks. I have several coworkers that have missed work just so that they can fight water from pouring into their homes (ripping up carpet and tearing up wood floors - not co...