Eclipse of the Fall

Did any of you see the solar eclipse this past weekend? It happened in Texas just around 5/5:30 on Friday afternoon. I was on my way home and Jordan had already finished work. Since he beat me home, he ran into a neighbor who was ready to watch the eclipse (unlike us unprepared people). This neighbors is a school teacher so she was prepared with special glasses and had timed the eclipse just right. I hope all of you made it in time to see such an event! It was very difficult to see unless you had some serious eye protection. Top Left: These are the fancy glasses that our neighbor let Jordan use. They look a lot like 3D glasses but the affect is more like a welder's mask. You can see that the sun is setting so it was important to get a glimpse while we could. Top Right : Jordan took a picture of the eclipse while holding the glasses up to the camera lens. This picture isn't the greatest quality, but it's authentic. Coo...