Cork It

This past weekend I finished a project that I have been working on for quite sometime. Since college I have collected wine corks just because they seemed interesting to me and represented little memories from our life. They are little tokens to spark a thought. I even went as far as to label a few of them (50% at least) with dates and places. Looking back, I realized that I've collected many corks from anniversaries, birthdays, holidays, and even just plain old evenings at home. Only recently did I figure out what I wanted to do with all these corks. I decided to purchase a large picture frame and glue the corks into an attractive pattern. (Jordan would call the pattern "parque") He and I have recently returned from a trip to Europe so I'd hoped to place the corks collected on that trip in the middle/most prominent place on the frame. It was a little like putting together a puzzle because I quickly learned that not all corks are the same size....