Dress Shopping and Synchronized Swimming

We had such a blast last weekend hanging out with Mom and Dad and Scott and Elizabeth! Our weekend was packed with good visiting, shopping, swimming, and eating! We kicked off the weekend at the “Fajita House” near S&E. This is a small BYOB Mexican food place so it was right up our alley! Their fajita portions for one person can easily feed two people! Saturday, Elizabeth and I enjoyed browsing around the craft stores in our area. These days, the decorating options for weddings are elegant and beautiful BUT, there is SO much to choose from! It’s quite overwhelming. Elizabeth and I both felt like our brains were on overdrive just walking down each aisle! Whoa. We didn’t have much luck in actual purchases, but I think we’ve narrowed the field of options a bit. That evening we went to Mom and Dad’s house to eat and swim. I caught these hilarious pictures of the pups while we were out at the pool. Top Left: ...